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Beer amylase

Posted: 03 Sep 2008, 08:16
by sunray18
I have been asked to purchase 'beer amylase' ... [asap like yesterday, of course! :mad: ]
Anyone know what it is? What it is used for in Biology Course? Where can i get -asap- in NSW?

Re: Beer amylase

Posted: 03 Sep 2008, 08:33
by Labbie
Guess you could try a beer making shop, what ever they are called? Yeast is used to fermentation, high energy molecules such as glucose undergo enzyme-catalysed.

Re: Beer amylase

Posted: 03 Sep 2008, 10:37
by Loopy
Poor Mushroom! You are getting the wrong end of the stick aren't you? I would suggest as Pommy said a Home Brew shop if there is one near you or some saupermarkets have home brew stuff (I know Woolies here in Wagga do), actually most do have a small section for home brewers with packets of bottle caps, kits etc and if I am not wrong, I think i have seen various types of sugars n stuff for those who take their home brewing seriously. Try your local supermarket.
Anyway, the more you drink it, the more you save... *hic* :whistling2:

Re: Beer amylase

Posted: 03 Sep 2008, 11:03
by RICEPAPER170487
Beer amylase is a specific type of amylase used in the fermentation of beer. I think it it suposed to be a better carbon source for the yeast in the fermentation process or it makes the fermentation process occur quicker or something. Some people also think the beer tastes better or worse when it is used but I just think that is personal

You should be able to just use beer sugar from a home brew kit. I'm not sure if its amylase or not but I would assume it would be.