Hi everyone.
I'm new to this site, and i must say what a wonderful site it is.
Thankyou to all those people who have done so much work.
NOW.. I'm looking to purchase a 2 or 5 litre Bioflask for our chem students.
To purchase one from outside is around 70 to 100 dollars. Would anyone have one to give, or sell to me for less than
the rrp.
Hi Helie,
Welcome to the Chemtalk "family".
Could you tell me what a Bioflask looks like. (Has it another name?)
I am going through my glassware at the moment, and getting rid of a lot of stuff we no longer use. If I have a Bioflask that we don't use, I would be happy to send it to you, but I don't know what I'm looking for. A pic or more info would be great. Thanks.
Hi Lisa
It is a round bottom flask, 2 or 5 litre, and has the additional neck and stem at the bottom.
It is for distillation and therefore has frosted necks on both top and bottom glass for interchangeing.
Thankyou for looking
I think we have one of those - not as big as you are after, but I had no idea what it was and now I know! It arrived with a tonne of other random glassware that was donated to the school from somewhere. I think I may have put it in a box on a high shelf with other items I wasn't sure about, but if it hasn't made it up there yet I'll see if I can get a photo to put on here so others know what to look out for (if indeed we are talking about the same thing...).
Hi Rosalie
Yes you have it.
As you say not 2 or 5 litre however now you have a photo up (thankyou so much) does anyone have one this large.
can i keep you in mind Rosalie, and buy it from you if i can't get the size i need. One is better than none.
How good is this site. It works really well.
have a good weekend all
RosalieM wrote: ↑08 Aug 2008, 11:36
I found it. It was in a box I hadn't yet put up high. Is this what you are looking for? This looks like it would only hold about 250ml.
What would you use this for? I have distillation set ups, but we dont use a flask like this. Curious, it is a lovely little flask. I have a heap of the big golf club (wood) shaped flasks for fractional distillation of crude oil, which I refuse to allow anymore. Too smelly.
mtg wrote: ↑07 Mar 2022, 10:44
I have a heap of the big golf club (wood) shaped flasks for fractional distillation of crude oil, which I refuse to allow anymore. Too smelly.
Now I'm curious mtg.
I'd love to see a pic of those if you get a chance
RosalieM wrote: ↑08 Aug 2008, 11:36
I found it. It was in a box I hadn't yet put up high. Is this what you are looking for? This looks like it would only hold about 250ml.
What would you use this for? I have distillation set ups, but we dont use a flask like this. Curious, it is a lovely little flask. I have a heap of the big golf club (wood) shaped flasks for fractional distillation of crude oil, which I refuse to allow anymore. Too smelly.
From memory it only came out for displays and we’d have random distillation equipment set up to look all fancy but actually achieved nothing (we’d do boiling water with food colouring in it as an example and condense it). I left that school in 2013 though.
(I used to be RosalieM but couldn’t get the account reactivated when I got a new lab assistant job after 8 years doing other things). I am also curious about your golf club shaped flasks!
We have the 250mL round bottom flasks, we use them in our heating mantle. I recently bought one from Haines that was 14/23 but they also sell the 19/26.
Flask, Round Bottom 250ml (19/26)
$19.50 ex GST