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Science Week

Posted: 05 Aug 2008, 08:39
by lita*
Hello everybodee

Just wondering if any of you are doing something for science week and if there are any ideas that
you have that you could share?


Lita :D

Re: Science Week

Posted: 05 Aug 2008, 08:43
by J
Hi Lita

We are a small high school with several very small feeder primary schools in surrounding areas. We are conducting an outreach program to bring the students to us and have some fun with simple science. Our theme is colour, so we are looking for simple pracs that create colourful results.

I think we'll have lots of fun.


Re: Science Week

Posted: 05 Aug 2008, 14:16
by Judy R
For our Science week we do a daily fun activity.
1. rockets (purchased from a toy shop)we have x8 and they launch them on the oval
2. make slime
3.egg and spoon race with prizes
4. we have an Animal farm come to the school
5. if you have an oval..... fly kites
hope this helps

Re: Science Week

Posted: 05 Aug 2008, 14:44
by Joy
In the past our HST ran a science quiz for junior classes - the quiz was given out as homework and students could enlist their family to help - there was a small prize for the best entry. That teacher left so last year I organised a display of interesting hands on science gadgets in the library and had two teachers each do a lunchtime demonstation during the week - one was dry ice and one was the hydrogen car. This year a teacher has suggested his grade 8 class run a science fair for the junior classes. I will be interested to see how it goes.

Re: Science Week

Posted: 05 Aug 2008, 17:53
by souj
Our school is going with the theme 'recycling'. The junior primary will be setting up a worm farm and doing class activities associated with this. Upper primary are investigating rubbish sorting - Tipping out the bins and sorting into paper, plastics, wood, food scraps- shouldn't be any glass as nothing is sold in glass here- and using gloves and masks of course!.Once the piles are sorted they will be either weighed or measured by volume to give a comparison-a competition will be run for Years PP-12 to guess what kind of rubbish there will be the most of(list the rubbish types in the correct order for increasing amount)with a prize for winner in each year group.
This will be followed up by a visit to the local recycling centre so the kids can make a comparison between the amount of rubbish generated in the school on one day only to the amount that is generated by the whole community.
We will also be running a form room competition in the secondary school to see who can bring to school the most number of aluminium ring pull tops. A local service group uses these to make wheelchairs for under priviliged kids- 40kg of ring pulls will buy enough aluminium for one wheel chair- which is a huge amount- so hopefully the students might appreciate some of the things in life they take for granted while having a bit of fun and recycling at the same time!
Add to this can crushing and recycling, mobile phone and battery recycling, plus promotion of printer cartridge collections
think its going to be a busy time!

Re: Science Week

Posted: 06 Aug 2008, 08:17
by RosalieM
A local service group uses these to make wheelchairs for under priviliged kids- 40kg of ring pulls will buy enough aluminium for one wheel chair- which is a huge amount- so hopefully the students might appreciate some of the things in life they take for granted while having a bit of fun and recycling at the same time!
I have heard of this before. Where do you get information about this? I started collecting ring-pulls for a while because of it but when I moved I had to throw them all out. I'd be willing to do it again if I knew where to send/take them!


Re: Science Week

Posted: 06 Aug 2008, 09:29
by pkij
After an incident last week where large quantities of cooking oil were poured down the sinks in the labs :oops: I have suggested we have a competition to design a poster with theme "Think before you put down the sink" we will have a prize of a gift voucher.

Re: Science Week

Posted: 06 Aug 2008, 14:48
by souj
In WA it is a project run by the Rotary club of Scarborough and supported by the Christian Brothers. They are made in a factory called "Olly's Workshop" run by Brother Olly Pickett in Wangara, WA. Workshops have also been opened in India, Kenya, Cambodia and China. As at July 2008 144425 wheelchairs have been distributed to children in over 60 countries.
Perhaps there is a Rotary Club on your side of the country who is also involved.

Re: Science Week

Posted: 06 Aug 2008, 15:50
by cactus155
I thought the ring pulls were made of titanium and used for making of artifical limbs for humans and elephants

Re: Science Week

Posted: 06 Aug 2008, 17:09
by souj
Could well Be- the ring pulls are sold and the money is used to purchase aluminium to make the chairs.

Re: Science Week

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 09:23
by lita*
Wow! I'm pretty impressed by all of these responses. What amazing people you are!