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Faded level line on Volumetric Flasks

Posted: 21 Jul 2008, 14:12
by Mother
Hi all
Welcome back to term 3.Hope everyone is healthy.The flu has taken hold of quite a few teachers and students here. Anyway onto my question!!!
I have some volumetric flasks that have a very faded level line which makes it hard to know where the level is when filled. Does anyone have any ideas of what I can use to make a permanent line that is easy to see????
Take care

Re: Faded level line on Volumetric Flasks

Posted: 22 Jul 2008, 10:02
by Labbie
We put a nail laquer (Clear) over ours, they never go into the dishwasher, so that is not a problem.

Re: Faded level line on Volumetric Flasks

Posted: 22 Jul 2008, 11:19
by Ocean Breeze
I have rubbed a bit of permanent marker into the groove, usually lasts a fair few washes

Re: Faded level line on Volumetric Flasks

Posted: 22 Jul 2008, 11:30
by franco
Hi Mother,
Some years ago we had problems with thermometers 'losing' their markings. The remedy was to make a paste of barium sulfate with indian ink and rub it into the markings. Any excess can be buffed off when dry leaving now visible markings.

Re: Faded level line on Volumetric Flasks

Posted: 22 Jul 2008, 13:00
by Slartibartfast
I use a small amount of liquid paper from the pen and scrape off any excess once dry. It's tough stuff as I haven't had to redo it yet! Tiny grooves I bleed a drop of it from a match or pin tip.

Re: Faded level line on Volumetric Flasks

Posted: 22 Jul 2008, 13:45
by Slartibartfast
No! I went to check out the new place and it was like a shoebox! It would have been a big step backwards from where I am - selective school or not.

Re: Faded level line on Volumetric Flasks

Posted: 22 Jul 2008, 14:32
by smiley
Just admit it - you couldn't walk away from Brian the Goat.

Cheers, K 8-)

Re: Faded level line on Volumetric Flasks

Posted: 22 Jul 2008, 14:35
by Slartibartfast
No, but they did have a Belted Galloway Heifer called Wendy.

Volumetric Calibration line

Posted: 27 Jul 2008, 01:38
by Robb
Hi All,

One technique to use when the lines do gradually dissapear, and that is to recolour the line with a white china graph pencil. Place this into a Lab oven or Kiln (if art has one or more), and re - bake the line back on.

The baking of the china graph pigment will remain until years to come.

Some great ideas though,



Re: Faded level line on Volumetric Flasks

Posted: 29 Jul 2008, 11:25
by Mother
Thanks everyone who replied to my dilemma.I will try the Indian ink suggestion.I'm assuming I will find it at a newsagency??


Posted: 30 Jun 2009, 12:39
by judygee
Dear All - Have a problem with thermometers which (over the years) have lost their graduations. They are 110C in graduations of 0.2C and used for a couple of Yr. 11 Pracs requiring precise measurement of temperature. I have tried to find a supplier so that we might have some new ones, but to no avail - is everyone using digitals these days? Any suggestions for making the graduations darker - I have thought of painting with black paint and then wiping off, hoping some will stay in the etchings. Anyone tried this? Any other suggestions? Looking forward to your reply. Cheers. Judy

Re: Thermometers.

Posted: 02 Jul 2009, 11:59
by bindi
No, we dont use digital and I bought some from a supplier last year, the graduation was good but they where so fagile on the tip, lost heaps when they where just being placed on the desk... so I cant recommend them. :?
Painting them doesnt work as the colours come off in the heat. So I would like some suggestions too :?

Re: Thermometers.

Posted: 02 Jul 2009, 14:27
by debbec
The NSW DET put out a book callled Working in Science. On p43 there is a section on graduation marks.This is for burettes, grad measuring cylinders and thermometers "make a paste of barium sulfate in Indian ink.This paste is rubbed into the marks and the excess removed with a soft cloth. The device is then required to stand one or two days before using.
I haven't tried this yet . Hope it works

Re: Thermometers.

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 09:42
by Robdean
I did actually try this many years ago when our budget was really tight ( as it is now come to think of it) and it was successful for a while. Of course of you wash the thermometers the marks will disappear again over time. Stil it was better than nothing.

Re: Faded level line on Volumetric Flasks

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 11:52
by judygee
Thanks guys, for the tip on Barium sulphate and indian ink for faded graduations on glassware and thermometers. Also like the liquid paper remedy as well. Off to give it a go!! Cheers. Judy