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Transmission Lines Apparatus. Instructions? Tips?

Posted: 15 May 2008, 09:53
by Ocean Breeze
We have a Transmission Lines Apparatus. Instructions that came with it are not very helpful.
Wondering if anyone has any ideas, tips, experience, instructions , link that would help us.
We havent been able to get the thing to work yet.

Re: Transmission Lines Apparatus. Instructions? Tips?

Posted: 19 May 2008, 09:37
by Ocean Breeze
BUMP (sorry) :unsure:

Re: Transmission Lines Apparatus. Instructions? Tips?

Posted: 19 May 2008, 10:35
by dolphinscales
I am in the same boat as you i am afraid the instructions are quite usless :)
we are to get it going this fortnight if i come up with anything i will let you know :)

Re: Transmission Lines Apparatus. Instructions? Tips?

Posted: 19 May 2008, 11:47
by Ocean Breeze
hey, dolphinscales. We just got it working!!!!!
I am planning to draw a 'mudmap' of the wiring etc. So when I do, I can fax/email to you.

And any one else who wants one. :D

Re: Transmission Lines Apparatus. Instructions? Tips?

Posted: 19 May 2008, 13:30
by dolphinscales
Well done that is wonderful :)
when you mud map is ready i woudl love a copy many thanks - fax 08 9583 9299 attn to Annette in Science - many thanks for that

Re: Transmission Lines Apparatus. Instructions? Tips?

Posted: 21 May 2008, 10:19
by Ocean Breeze

I should get a minute to draw the map in the next few days.
Will FAX to you soon.

Re: Transmission Lines Apparatus. Instructions? Tips?

Posted: 22 May 2008, 09:30
by Ian
OK. So what exactly IS it? What does it do? What topic, etc?

Re: Transmission Lines Apparatus. Instructions? Tips?

Posted: 22 May 2008, 09:38
by lada
Just beat me to it, Ian.
I was going to ask the same question :oops:
:oops: Lada

Re: Transmission Lines Apparatus. Instructions? Tips?

Posted: 22 May 2008, 12:13
by dolphinscales

Re: Transmission Lines Apparatus. Instructions? Tips?

Posted: 22 May 2008, 15:18
by Ocean Breeze
yr 12 Physics. Shows why the power company steps up the voltage to thousands of volts, when transmitting power to the consumer.
a step up in voltage to transmit a current through the power wires, then upon reaching destination, a unit steps down the voltage again.
The transmission lines are made from a high resistance wire, and this simulates the long distance that the electricity has to pass through to reach the consumer/user end point.
The voltage is stepped up in order to decrease the current, & if there is minimul resistance., and therefore less power loss at other end .. I THINK!!!! :-?
please correct me if I am wrong, I am happy to learn....and dont quote me a s gospel!

It is a model showing the journey of the power between the power station and the consumer.
It even has minature little pylons that have the wire threaded into... for real effect!
I bought mine from Serrata a number of yrs ago.
Looks like a plank of 4x2.

We use the Jackaranda HSC book 2. The unit is Generators and Power Distribution