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Enzyme Pracs

Posted: 02 May 2008, 09:11
by RosalieM
Hi Everyone!
Remember a while back there was discussion about enzyme pracs for years 11 and 12? I did a search and a few thread topics came up... Somehow from someone I received a copy of experiments from "Chapter 10 Simple Enzyme Experiments". I was just wondering where you get catecholase, papain and invertase. We already have rennin, amylase and pepsin, and Southern Biological has pectinase.
Also, while I was searching on the Southern Bio website for these enzymes I saw that they have suggested pracs for the enzymes that they do sell. I've just printed them out but haven't looked at them yet. Perhaps they will be more useful than the "chapter 10" experiments because I know I can at least get the enzymes. I just thought I'd let you all know that they are available too!
Does any one else feel like this first week back has been a long one? Bring on the weekend!

Re: Enzyme Pracs

Posted: 02 May 2008, 12:56
by RosalieM
Don't mind me!! I didn't read through the pracs... just looked at the enzyme headings. Turns out I don't need to buy the ones I can't find after all. They are found in the every-day things involved in the prac... That'll teach me to try to do things quickly!!

Re: Enzyme Pracs

Posted: 02 May 2008, 13:15
by Robbie
First week back?? Feels more like two or three!! We had a cross country run/Year 12 concert yesterday and an ANZAC assembly today to vary the normal things, but I am still hanging out for the weekend. :w00t:

