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Honeycomb (lava)

Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 09:42
by Rita
I was reading a post from Karma using foil trays to make honeycomb lava. Would you please tell me how to do this prac. Sounds good. Assuming this is year 8?
Thanks Rita

Re: Honeycomb (lava)

Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 09:54
by smiley
Hi Rita,

That was me! I'll try to attach the file. It's a good recipe and pretty idiot proof :thumbup:

We are drowning up here - flooding rains for the last few days. All the roads are covered and now high tide is coming! I guess Mackay couldn't have all the fun! I may have to turn into my alter ego just to survive.

Cheers, K

Re: Honeycomb (lava)

Posted: 10 Mar 2008, 12:45
by Tina
That looks like a fun idea! I've printed out a copy and will give it a try

Re: Honeycomb (lava)

Posted: 10 Mar 2008, 12:46
by Tina
ps How are you faring there in Cairns. Did you need to put on your dolphin suit?

Re: Honeycomb (lava)

Posted: 10 Mar 2008, 13:49
by smiley
Well thanks for asking, and the answer is almost. The stupid side effect of all the flooding is having the highways blocked. SO the supermarket shelves are thinning, and sometimes it is the silliest things that run out first. There are little signs on every shelf, saying "Due to flooding, the following items are not in stock." Well, here I was thinking the nightfill staff were just being lazy! :wink2:

Another curious effect is that if there's too much rain then the sugar cane doesn't set enough sugar down, owing to the fact that there's not enough sunshine to photosynthesize to excess. Then all the farmers gnash their teeth, as they are entitled to. :-(

Still, wouldn't move South for quids.

Cheers, K 8-)

Re: Honeycomb (lava)

Posted: 11 Mar 2008, 23:14
by labman
You defineately wouldn't move south this week. We in South Oz have just enjoyed our ninth consecutive day over thirty five degrees, and it's set to continue(around thirty eight or higher) for at least another week. I couldn't tell you the last time I saw rain. Wouldn't it be nice to swap for a while. I'm considering moving to Antarctica!!!

Re: Honeycomb (lava)

Posted: 12 Mar 2008, 09:35
by smiley
Hey Lisa,

I'll send you some in a test-tube. Then you just have to aspirate it in a closed environment, and stick your face underneath - instant rain (coz it only lasts for an instant!). Yes, your temps are even making the news up here.

Good luck.

Cheers, K 8-)

Re: Honeycomb (lava)

Posted: 12 Mar 2008, 11:45
by labman
Aaaahhhhh!!! I feel better already.(well...sort of) It's probably just the air conditioning, but thank you.Karma 4 u, or would you prefer some sunshine!!!!

Re: Honeycomb (lava)

Posted: 17 Mar 2008, 09:55
by Rita
Thanks Karma
Looks like even I could do this.

Re: Honeycomb (lava)

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 13:56
by celia1

Re: Honeycomb (lava)

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 13:58
by celia1
Sorry i am just trying to work how to post smilies 8O