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Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 06 Aug 2009, 11:28
by Rowyrow
HI everyone,
These are a couple of tools I use to write up SWP's that I found on the net

Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 10 Aug 2009, 16:46
by Ian
If my boss (HOD) had not been so deadly serious this morning, when he showed me the New Chemical Risk Assessment document I have to fill in for all 250 odd chemicals in my cupboard, I may have been tempted to put this post in the "Jokes and Humor" forum. As it is, I was looking for a "Horror Stories" forum, but could only find this!!
I will try and upload a copy for you all to have a look at and tell me what you think. Is this going just a little bit overboard, or is this what Chemical RA's are really coming to?

Ian :-( :-( :-(
RA chemical.doc

Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 09:48
by dime
I am gobsmacked :w00t: that you are really meant to fill this in for every chemical. Don't you use the CSIS books? Or are they only the bible for DET schools? We do not have to do RA's unless the chemical is not in the CSIS book. And then it would be the teacher doing it. That is a monster burden that I'll bet you're not paid adequately for. 8O

Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 10:37
by Labbie
I agree with you dime, I just can not believe what I read some times. With the national Curriculum coming soon, perhaps it will all change. DET schools do not have to do RA's :clap3: :clap3: But this may change next year, who knows.

Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 11:41
by sunray18
I cant believe this RA - a full time job just to fill it out!!!! eeekkkkk.... :yuck:

Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 14:53
by cecmel
Unbelievable #-o Hope they're cancelling all pracs for several weeks to allow you to do this, cause it sure looks as though the form will need your undivided attention with the level of detail required! Does anyone know how to do a web search for the original, 'cause I for one would love to know where it came from!

Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 12 Aug 2009, 09:54
by JelJane
Hello all, I 'm fairly new here and from the other side of the Tasman, but I can't believe this! For a start the first page of the RA is basically a repeat of the information you would find on an MSDS. I think it is crazy to be doubling up on information like this! I am lucky we have not gone down this track yet...

Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 12 Aug 2009, 12:00
by ~megz~
Ian - just when I thought it could go no higher, the world of Chemical Safety Documentation reaches dizzying new heights of stupidity :crazy: That is an absolutely insane amount of work, and absolutely not 'required' by any governing body that I know of.

Even the Australian Standards documentation for Laboratory Safety recognises that School Laboratories are a notable exeption to much of this stuff, as we don't use industrial quantities or overly dangerous concentrations of chemicals, neither are we involved in manufacture for outside consumption. :redcard: I would be double checking exactly where your HOD got the idea that you need that level of 'safety'. (IMO, makes the workplace less safe, as you have little time left to attend to matters of practical safety.)

I'm looking into it further for you...


P.S. MSDS for sodium chloride solution is a hoot. 'Avoid contact with skin'. Quick, somebody tell the lifeguards at Bondi!!

Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 20 Aug 2009, 16:07
by Ian
The latest on the Chem RA saga!!!

It is amazing what you can avoid by procrastinating!

My boss got such a reaction from both myself and the Chem teacher after giving us the dreaded Chemical RA proforma, that he sat down and redesigned it. By the time I got back on Wednesday (I do not work on Tuesdays) he was working on Revision 1. By Friday, it was up to Revision 2 (mind you, he told me about Revision 1 but I never ever SAW it!) and by monday we only now have to do a generic RA for each CLASS of chemical. Perhaps, by the time I have finished updating the Chemical Register and updating the MSDS's he may have forgotten about the RA's altogether. (We can only hope!) :?

I know that a little while ago, somebody said that there was no need for a paper copy of MSDS's if you had access to ChemGold, but my boss insists that I have a MSDS set for EACH lab and for the Chem Store and for the Staff room/prep room. (and an electronic copy on the school Server) I have chosen to use the ChemGold "Mini MSDS's" as they seem to have all the information in a format that is more likely to be read by a busy teacher. That was OK last week, but this week, the boss wants a full set of the FULL MSDS's. What do others use? Are the Mini MSDS's sufficient or do we need the full MSDS's or do we need the actual manufacturers MSDS's? (Many of our chemicals are so old (eg. 1986) that I would not know who the supplier was. Probably "Government Stores" but do they still exist? 8-[


Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 21 Aug 2009, 08:28
by Whspa
I have one set of full MSDS in the staffroom - that's 5 lever arch folders- and a set of mini's in each lab and the chemstore.
I'm sure I've read that mini's on their own are not sufficient, but you only need one full set in the school.

Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 21 Aug 2009, 08:35
by Loopy
Poor Ian, you might as well work for the public service!!!! Hehe! All that paperwork. :rules: I keep a full set of MSDS' in my prep room and with the sick bay. I then have laminated mini MSDS' which I send in with experiments of the chemicals the class is using. Is your boss aware the time it takes to ensure MSDS' are current and if you are doing it for all the labs then is it OK if you don't get your other stuff done? Perhaps they need to consider hiring a clerk for this. I dunno, I think the powers that be expect us to wear our underpants on the outside and a cape most of the time. I know I get asked to perform miracles all the time. My sympathy is with you.

Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 11:46
by Judy R
Hi Smiley,
i am in Qld and we purchased the Philip Crisp is somewhere to start.
Having worked in NSW for 15 years I know they are well ahead of Qld on OH&S and hazardous substances and the sooner we get the CSIS package the better.

Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 12:37
by Labbie
This may help with you question, on R.A.'s

Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 09:15
by Linda26

could i have a copy of your safe work procedures please
my email address is

thanks heaps

Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 13:36
by fibreweb
This may be the thread that has the booklets and information that you want Lis,

If you look at about the 3rd post , it is from Sassi with the safety policy from Wenona. In the following 6 pages there are numerous other attatchments.


Re: Safe Work Procedures?? Risk assessment

Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 13:53
by Lis
Awesome thank you so much, Wendy