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Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 08 Sep 2008, 11:20
by noona
All State High School will get the upgrade sooner or later

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 09 Sep 2008, 14:47
by CC
Hi Liz

Thats a great idea. However like you I have an over abundence of winchester's and round bottom flasks and bell jars and the list goes on.
It seems to me that at one point in time schools were either issued with this equipment or they had a huge budget. What do we do with it? It takes up space and collects dust and silverfish, but it seems a waste to just thro it out. If anybody has any suggestions could you please let me know.


Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 09 Sep 2008, 15:38
by lizzieb

Looks like we're both going to the St Mary's conference, so I really mean that about swapping the rods for bases.
We are in great need of retort stands here!

My understanding is that Government stores just reissued every year, hence the over supply of many items.

Ring around your local service clubs to see if anyone sends old books/equipment overseas. I've gotten on to a group who'll be very happy to take whatever I want to give them - they send container-loads to New Guinea each year.

Makes me happy, too!

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 10 Sep 2008, 10:48
by noona
Hi All
Remember to make a list of goodies you have and bring it with you to the conference I could do with a few winchesters I have glass pippetts a box full never used I am willing to do a swap

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 10 Sep 2008, 12:50
by lizzieb

How 'bout we start a 'St Marys swap' thread, where we can list what we have?

Otherwise some of the equipment I have might be thrown or given away before November.
I'm not willing to transport glassware to Sydney, but if anyone wants some, no doubt we could organise for the receiving school to pay frieght.

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 07:22
by noona
Hi Liz
Sounds good to me

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 13:01
by CC

I was told officially on Monday the 22/9/08 that my refurb will start in the school holidays.
I have been extremely busy but will fill you all in after the break.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday

Cindy \:D/ \:D/

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 13:07
by noona
Hi Cindy
enjoy the quite while you can as the builders are very loud.
Our next 3 labs will be finished at he of OCT we hope.

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 23 Oct 2008, 10:09
by fibreweb
Hi Cindy,

I was wondering if your refurb did actually start in the holidays, and how are things going.

We have not yet had any word on when ours will start but I'm busy tossing out unnecessary stuff and making storage room for when it does happen.


Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 23 Oct 2008, 14:30
by CC
Hi Wendy

Yep it started and then stopped because they found asbestos. They have just about finished cleaning that up and so I hope work will start again. We were supposed to get two labs done and then the next two but they decided to do three in the last week of last term so we have only 2 labs in operation ( we have 5 all up). Thats OK but they didn't order the furniture for the third room yet so we could be out of there for two terms. But it will all be worth it in the end.

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 08:37
by CC
Hi all, :coffee:

Its week 3 term 4 and my classrooms and preproom are all lying there idle. Have not seen any workman and heard nothing. It seems that I won't be getting my classrooms sorted out before the end of the year. I guess I'll have to come in over the holidays unless they pull there fingers out. Otherwise everything is running smoothly. In one way it has proven a godsend because my worst teacher for ordering has found he has no choice or he gets nothing because it takes me a while to track down some equipment. Oh well wish me luck [-o<


Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 06:25
by noona
Hi Cindy
good luck I know what you are going through we have all our last three labs back in working order this week I have been so busy geting all the stuff back in the labs thank god for kids and teachers that want time out from teaching to help.

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 12:02
by cheltie
Hi everyone,
We have just been told we are having our labs. refurbished. I can't seem to find the link yo the photos of ones already dobe.
Am I just stupid or are they somewhere else?

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 12:52
by RosalieM
Hi Helen, I think the ones you are looking for are under "New labs pic" which I will write a comment in so it comes up in the 'new posts' for you.

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 13:14
by cheltie
Thank you so much Rosalie.

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 09 Dec 2008, 06:46
by trish armstrong
Hi all,
Sorry to bring this topic back up to light. But!!!!!!
I need venting,questions answered.
Last week I was informed that they may/are starting my labs during the xmas holidays. We have a meeting on thursday to find out specific details.
My worry is, I have not started to pack/cleanout. (originally they told me it could happen 4th term 2009.Thats why not started to clean out.) Anyway if this should happen do they clean out your lab and preproom of science equipment or is each school responsible to pack it and put it in the container provided. My principal thinks they will do it, but I'm sort of thinking that may not be the case.
Those been through this can you please answer, so I can go to this meeting Knowing what to expect.

many thanks.
trish .

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 09 Dec 2008, 09:03
by MariaC
Sorry Trish but from what Ive been told we are responsible for all the equipment and any furniture we want to keep. I was also told before the meeting it may all start in the holidays, but the principle and head teacher who went to the meeting have said this is not the case, apparently we get a visit first, plans are drawn up (with no input from anyone who actually works at the school) then the principle has to agree before work commences so its not going to happen just out of the blue.Ive just done a big clean out in preparation, hope that helps....Maria

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 09 Dec 2008, 09:55
by noona
Hi Girls
Thats right you will get a visit and you will be given about a months notice that they will be coming.
If they are doing you main Pre Room I think it is time to start thinking about what you want to keep and what to toss.
I was lucky they sis the Prep room accross the quard and I still had my little prep room and just moved accross when they finished.
Now is the tiome to toss out the crap in class rooms that they seam to keep just incase.
Good luck girls
You will love the new rooms

Noona \:D/ \:D/ :wub: :wub:

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 09 Dec 2008, 10:27
by MariaC
:D Yes im very excited I just hope Im still here to see it all as Im just replacing Mylita who has had a bub and thus is on maternity leave, some might say she timed it well so I get to do the clean out and then she gets the lovely new rooms !!!

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Posted: 09 Dec 2008, 12:13
by trish armstrong
Thankyou for answering.
I had this little panic thought that I may have to work through the xmas holidays. Ha HA. :cheesy:
I am excited that it will be done. During week two, this term, we had contractors ect. through so I hope that it wasn't the visit to agree to the plans. Well will have to wait till thursday. :whistling2:

Trish :D