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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Posted: 30 Aug 2010, 12:27
by RosalieM
Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Can they put it ON the bench?? Or in one of the labs??? that's so not fair!! Use the comment from someone (I think it was smiley) "if the office goes back to manual typewriters I'll go back to manual washing up!" Have they never heard of a TAPEMEASURE??

Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Posted: 30 Aug 2010, 12:38
by amandag
I have a G7804 Lab. was tight fit, check with miele if the sides and top can be removed..outer casing.

Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Posted: 30 Aug 2010, 12:49
by smiley
Well! Fancy attributing smart-alec comments to me! :cheesy:

I'm with Rosalie anyway. Why didn't they measure up first. Surely that's THEIR problem to fix.

Note to self: Sending the dishwasher away is not fixing the problem, it's a variant of sweeping dust under the mat.

Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Posted: 19 Feb 2014, 13:43
by lizzieb
Hi all,

Am wondering who supplies the new white totes that came with the refurb? Has anyone ordered any more of them yet?

Cheers to all!

Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Posted: 25 Feb 2014, 09:59
by Narelle01
I ordered 6 more totes last year, and I got them thru SEBEL, i just looked for the number on the whitepages, my HT let me go for it as I was always running out - and a staff member, not from our faculty 'borrowed' 6 of them for drinks at a party and never returned them....

Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Posted: 25 Feb 2014, 11:31
by dss8386
HI All,

I feel for you. It must be a catholic school thing as my school is building new labs and they have not consulted with me at all. Not even my boss.

My boss has put many ideas forward and then they do the complete opposite. I am planning for the worst. The last lab refurb was a nightmare.

Last time I heard, they were putting carpet in the labs.....they don't have any idea. Then they forgot to put on the plans for space for my fridges....

Just keep mentioning Health and Safety and maybe it will sink in.


Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Posted: 25 Feb 2014, 13:32
by Labbie
We have part carpet part limo in our labs, the carpet is where the desk are. Limo is for experiments.

Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 14:40
by General
Have been back in the labs after our refurb for 3 years now. We are still getting things fixed so we can actually operate. Just basic stuff like the gas. Funny thing is, we were given the grant for a plan that included 2 senior labs with a 2 way fumecupboard joining them, and a larger storage room.

We got one new lab, with even less bench space for pracs so we try and keep the seniors out. Thirty 15-16year olds working along two 8metre benches is a recipe for disaster. I know because we tried, and there were accidents where we didn't have accidents before.

No fume cupboard so the students still have to come into the Prep Room and use mine. Which means I still have to supervise them instead of doing my work.

And no storage room. They got rid of our pokey old one. But failed to replace it with anything. Obviously they think my Prep Room is a T.A.R.D.I.S.

Ain't progress grand.

Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Posted: 01 Jul 2014, 13:08
by Labbie
It is just so very silly, the things they do. They just can not ask us, what we feel is OK. I am just waiting for an accident to happen, regarding the lights going out every two hours. I can see some one pouring acid over their hands or some thing. Its crazy.