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Re: Safety in Laboratories Training Course

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 13:45
by Lis
Hi Robbie
Sorry to be a pain, would you be able to fax me a copy too please fax 43934155 attn Lisa
thanks Lisa :D

Re: Safety in Laboratories Training Course

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 14:41
by Robbie
Hi Lis,

Have faxed a copy to you too. I'm really looking forward to meeting
this wonderful group of scientists!!!


Re: Safety in Laboratories Training Course

Posted: 23 Jun 2008, 09:30
by Sassi
Morning all,

Was very nice to meet some of the chemtalkers at the course last week, I must say this site has helped me a lot, not only with prac stuff, but also in keeping me sane when the teachers are driving me mad, so thank you to all of you :wub:

Now I am sitting here trying to write a report on the course, so the school knows what I have learnt, and I am finding it really hard. I honestly dont think I learnt much at all, I actually found it pretty much a waste of a time, and I nearly went insane when he spent 10 minutes talking about a stupid dust mask... What did you think? Did you learn anything new? And in that case what... You know, so that I can steal that and put it in my report :wink2:

Sassi :unsure:

Re: Safety in Laboratories Training Course

Posted: 23 Jun 2008, 11:34
by Lis
Hi Sassi
It was really nice meeting you and the other girls, :D you know who you are,I can finally put faces to the names, thanks Robbie, for the info on the course. :thumbup:
Sorry Sassi, you didnt get much from the course, you are more highly trained than me, so I guess it was just going over stuff for you. I found it really interesting and have come away with plenty to try to bring into my school, especially the RA's which have been a bit of a problem for us to work out. I think the Q&A should have been a little more thought out by the ones asking questions sometimes, taking up time, that was the only negative for me, I feel it was worth my time to go.
I am looking forward to the next thing, maybe St Mary's, to catch up with everyone again and have more time to chat. :coffee: \:D/ :lol:
Lisa :D

Re: Safety in Laboratories Training Course

Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 11:36
by estelle
Can anyone tell me if there is an online short course for the csis? Possible through the det portal, I thought I saw it mentioned but can't find it even after searching. I have someone who works every second friday here for me, and I need to get them to do the CSIS. My head teacher who usually does the presentation for it, has moved into the DP's job for a couple of terms.
Thanks Estelle.