Lab assistant by choice.

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Are you a lab assistant by choice

Yes, I chose to be a lab assistant
No, as a school assistant I was sent to science
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Lab assistant by choice.

Post by joh »

Hi everyone,
I'm interested to know who is a lab assistant by choice.
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by rell »

i started as a lab technician 20 odd yrs ago and wouldn't want to be anything else. I have done stints as office and library assistant but always return to lab.

rell =D>
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by smiley »

I trained as a lab technician over 20 years ago, at TAFE. Although I've had other jobs in my life, this is the job I love the best. The hours suit, and so does the work, and I have the best boss in QLD, so no teacher conflicts.
K 8-)
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by Robbie »

Way back in the Dark Ages, i.e. 1978, I tried to get some casual/part time work in school hours as my kids were by then well established in primary school. I wrote to the three schools closest to where we lived seeking work and in a few weeks received a phone call from Asquith Girls High offering me one day's work typing a French exam paper. Then a few weeks later I was needed again and then three weeks stocktaking in the library, etc...

At the beginning of 1979 the lab assistant was sick so I was offered her job - my one qualification being that I could type. She eventually resigned and because the school could not get anyone else, I was offered the job. I told them I knew nothing about Science other than doing Biology all through high school. They were desperate so the job was mine!

Many years later and I am still here. The SAM job was offered to me several times over the years but I did not think the extra money was worth the extra stress. I enjoy having "my own" room and - to be able to plan my time (well, to some extent) and the teachers are just great to work with!! And every day is different.

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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by Ian »

joh wrote:Hi everyone,
I'm interested to know who is a lab assistant by choice.
Well, I guess I could choose to be unemployed!

Seriously though, I was a teacher for 12 years, but eventually came to me senses and got out of that! I came to this school as the Maintenance Supervisor (read: "Glorified GA"!) and worked there for nearly 8 years. I enjoyed that. I have been the Lab Assistant here for almost 18 months, and reckon it is about the best job I have ever had! I often go home and say to my wife "How can they pay me for having so much fun?" Although I could get double my present salery (or more) in teaching, at least a few times a term, when I look at what the teachers are going through, I say to myself (and often others) "Thank God I am NOT still in teaching! :D

I guess I am a lab assistent by choice, although at the time, I did not feel like I had a lot of choice in changing departments! :-?

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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by m »

Hi all

I studied at tafe to become a lab tech so yes I chose this position and love it.
If I was required to go elsewhere in the school (have a diploma in library assistant and have been office manager in private enterprise for over 11 years) I would probably leave as from what I can see other areas are nowhere near as much fun or as interesting.
Hope I never have to make that decision though

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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by Lis »

As you Maria, I too went to TAFE and got my cert IV, in lab techniques, I thought it would be a perfect job for me as my kids are still small, the hours are great, school hols off, and as of next year my boys will be at the same school as me (we are a K-12 school), cant get better than that, oh yeah, I love my job, have a great HT and teachers. And same as Robbie, I was a technical officer back in the day, 1986, for the dept of Ag, but stupid me, couldnt see too far into the future back then, as most kids.
It is really encouraging to see so many people who enjoy their jobs.
cheers Lisa \:D/
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by chemical.12K »

Hi All
I was put into Science assistant job with no experience. Yes I can understand how the lab assistants feel. They have been to tech then they are
expected to train people like my self. But I had no one to train me. I had to learn the hard way and with a lot of help from you fantastic
people on chemtalk. I am now in my 6th term of this position. I enjoy the job and have learnt heaps. I am now labelling chemical
jars, thinking how can I make this job better for myself and the students. I take pride in my work. I would like to do a chemical course but they are always in sydney. If I could do a course by correspondence that would be good. Yes I am a person that is keeping this position alive and serving this school to the best of my abilities.
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by Didee »

Lab Tech by choice, 14 years now in three different schools. But I am the opposite of Ian, I am now studying to be a primary teacher. 14 years in the same job is just to long, no matter how good the job. My children are now all grown and my husband is embarking on a new career. So I am going to try something new
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by Ocker »

I was jaded by industry, Kids left home, wife worked in school, and I thought I would like to have all the same holidays, and sharing transport to work would cut costs, so when Lab assistant retired I said I could do that easy, this will be semi retirement ( silly me! )
But even so it has tremendous job satisfaction and you get posessive of YOUR school
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by rell »

i have been a lab tech for approx 25yrs, 3 different states. I have worked at a uni, catholic school and govt or public schools so guess i love this job
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by Vicki L »

I met tha SAM at this school when she brought her son into the Specialist Medical Centre I worked at (Goulburn)men :grin: tioned we were moving to Harden, moved, then one week later had a phone call to see I could help out at school - been here ever since, that was 1999. Worked wherever they put me, office, library, home science but you can't beat science. Started as casual, have been permanent now for 12 months and love every minute of it.
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by ri »

Hi All,
I have lots of company.
I am a laboratory technician by choice having studied at Granville tech in 1964 and Sydney tech thereafter. A holiday in 1977 for 8 years to have 2 children and then back to the job I love.
I have worked at Macquarie Uni and for my present school for 24 years.
It's a job that fulfills my love of chemistry and biology especially. It is great to go collecting in the bush and I have even been scuba diver in order to collect specimens.
I am very grateful for the skills I have built up over the years.
Back at Uni now part-time, to finish that degree I started 30 years ago. Believe it or not Uni is much more user-friendly now!
It is great to have so many friends across the country.
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by noona »

Hi All
I like most of you I love my job I first work in labs way back when but had the chance to work in a school and have been in schools for near on 20 years and love it will hate to give it up one day
Noona \:D/ :coffee:
P.S. great staff at Greystanes
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by Loopy »

Hi everyone,
I am now in my third year of being a lab technician and wouldn't change it for quids! I just sometimes wish I knew more, but the best part of this job is you always learn something new especially with a site such as this.
At the moment Iam really enjoying the fact that more and more new members are showing up and "dipping their feet into this water" - (come on in! the water's fine!) and welcome to them all. :thumbup:
Cheers and beers!
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by The Search Engine »

Hello All,
I have been a Science Assistant for 42 days now and I love it. I transferred out of a primary school front office position to take up Science 3 days and office 2 days in a high school. Great move. My qualifications and experience are all in admin but I can still use a lot of that here in my little desk in the prep room. Amazing staff in Science as well as the rest of the school. Feel like I have definitely arrived. HT appreciates my computer/admin skills!
And (thanks to Lizzie B for putting me onto this forum) I can now lean on the experience of "real" labbies!

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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by lizzieb »

Just keep enjoying, darlin'! You can see how much fun we have \:D/ =D> :D

Life keeps getting better every day!
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by lada »

I started in industry, after finishing chemistry certificate in 1974.Left in 1977 to have kids and went back in 1984.
Moved to Sydney in 1991 and worked in enviromental lab as a technician until it closed in 1997 and started here and had my first LSL this year. I enjoy the job and get all holidays off(unpayed).
Lada :coffee:
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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by jenny walter »

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Re: Lab assistant by choice.

Post by sunray18 »

Lab Assistant - not really by choice but necessity! :o
Out of work - bills to pay ... but I DO love this job!
I am an Industrial Chemist - worked at Pasminco and CRA Research.
Then worked as research Assistant for Prof of Chemistry at University of Newcastle - the 2nd best job I have had..
Sadly, he died of lung cancer, :-( which left me unemployed,so i spent a year as volunteer in the music department at my children's school. They must have become sick of me hanging around and gave me a paid job in their office.
They started a separate school for students with behavioural problems, and I transferred to that school as THE office person/ general assistant etc etc. This school had 'School on the Road', where, 3 days a week, we took the students out in 7-seater vehicles and did classes in the district - eg science at Port stephens beaches, History at the Newcastle breakwater.... we commenced every day cooking breakfast for them, then teaching them how to cook for themselves.. our main cooking classes were mainly barbecue or campfire cooking, because we were out of the buildings and on the road... THIS was THE best job I have had!!! :D

Things changed in this school - and I needed another job. I had been involved in Youth Ministry for many years, and so working in schools was the obvious choice for me...
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