CSIS staff training

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CSIS staff training

Post by amk »

Our school had a staged implementation of CSIS in 2000/1 .We are about to run a training day for new staff .How often does it need to be refreshed for existing staff ? Thanks AMK
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Re: CSIS staff training

Post by Teresa »

Sorry I am not answering your query, instead I have a further question:
Is the CSIS package only used in NSW? I am wondering who puts the package together, gives the advice and does the training? Is it run by the Education Department or a private company? Also is it designed for ALL those who work with hazardous substances in schools?
I look forward to your responses
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Re: CSIS staff training

Post by Slartibartfast »

The training at this stage is for all those have direct access (us and usually the schools GA) to chemicals and to a lesser degree those that work with them - teachers. It's NSW only at this stage and it was contracted out by the NSW state Government to a private contractor who is also currently working with other states to implement.

Training needs to be within a 12 - 18 month regular window for us as stipulated by our states Workcover Authority. It is to allow for updates mainly but you can be introduced if your new to it in private industry or through another school, TAFE or Uni.

For teachers it's 24 months but they usually combined days anyway.

It is for all staff that have access to any chemical within school grounds and they need to have a basic understanding of MSDS and risk assessments associated with using those chemicals. We and the GA because of the very nature of our work require a better understanding of handling/storage etc of such things. Thats why we in science usually oversee and keep track of all the schools chemicals regardless of what faculty area they are in.
Richard Hollinworth
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Re: CSIS staff training

Post by Teresa »

Thank you Richard.

I think there is quite a diversity between states! I understand that there are moves to make National standards for WorkSafe regulations. However I am not holding my breath as these things can take a very long time.

Is the CSIS training for both government and non government schools? Is it very expensive?
Do all schools in NSW use Chemwatch? If so then I assume that the CSIS would include instructions for Chemwatch as well?

It is so important for everyone to be suitably trained, however with the vast distances I would guess that it is very difficult for schools in remote areas of Australia to have access to training. Chemtalk certainly helps in communication Australia wide, as we can all feel isolated at times.

These are my thoughts for this morning!

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Re: CSIS staff training

Post by RosalieM »

I attended a CSIS course last year (along with a few others from here) run by the Royal Australian Chemical Institue NSW Chemical Education Group. Margaret Lindsay was the contact person for it but I don't have her contact details with me. You could probably look them up and contact them to ask if they know of similar/equivalent training in your state.
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Re: CSIS staff training

Post by Slartibartfast »

It's mandatory in state schools/TAFE but private schools have been varied in their uptake. Some do it as schools whether private or government tend to work together, especially when it was implemented. It made it easier as it was a daunting task!!!
Richard Hollinworth
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Re: CSIS staff training

Post by Labbie »

Hi Teresa,

We did have training in how to use Chemwatch, way back when, but funny as this may sound, NO one really knew how to use it, it ws trail and error. Our local network meetings, ended up as a work shop to help each other out. Each school was given, DET schools that is was given $500.00 for start Implementing the CSIS, to cover paper cost's, and folders for the MSDS. What a joke, $500.00 was like a drop in the ocean. It took me two years to Implement the CSIS chemcial package in one school. But I would like to say it was a long hard job, but will worth doing, you really knew your stock by the time you finished.
Regards Labbie

Lab Manager/Lab Tech, mind reading etc etc
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