Do you move around?

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Have you been moved?

Poll ended at 12 Nov 2016, 11:20

Yes too much
Yes but I like the moving around.
No I have never been moved
Total votes: 44

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Do you move around?

Post by Labbie »

I have been asked to re do the polling for are you being moved around?
Regards Labbie

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Re: Do you move around?

Post by Labbie »

Is any one doing the poll?
Regards Labbie

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Re: Do you move around?

Post by rell »

Yes I have, interesting results so far
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Re: Do you move around?

Post by Whspa »

There isn't really a response for me. Several years ago I was moved to the office for a term. "Multi-skilling". I hated it. Have been in science ever since. So do I tick the first box?
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Re: Do you move around?

Post by Merilyn1 »

I don't get moved around - I was employed as the science assistant. If I had spare time and others were busy, I'd happily help out where I could, but spare time?! I know the office staff are busy here but I get really annoyed at other support staff who pretend they are always busy, when I know they are not. This is particularly frustrating when there have been times I've been bordering on tears at the amount of work in front of me and how much I would have appreciated an hour or two of help. My new job will involve working in three different faculties and I'm looking forward to the variety.
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Re: Do you move around?

Post by Labbie »

Hi Whspa, yes do tick the first box, its very sad that we are moved around.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Do you move around?

Post by J »

Merilyn1 wrote: I get really annoyed at other support staff who pretend they are always busy, when I know they are not.
We have one of those here who drives me crazy!! :crazy: :crazy:
She has plenty of time to stand around gossiping and whinging, but if you ask her about her day, she just rolls her eyes and complains bitterly about how hard she works and how hard done by she is - as if she's the only one here who does anything!! :redcard: :redcard:
Of course the rest of us just sit around doing our knitting all day while she works SO HARD!!!! :banghead2:
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Re: Do you move around?

Post by Labbie »

WOW 82% do not get moved, that is great, but will it last??????????????????
Regards Labbie

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Re: Do you move around?

Post by sunray18 »

IN private/Catholic schools it probably will - we are employed for the position, and unless we apply for another position when there is a vacancy, or unless we are 'invited to leave', then this is where we stay
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Re: Do you move around?

Post by Wayne »

I just find it weird that you can be moved around in NSW (and maybe other states). I don't know of anyone here in Tas, public or private sector, that has been dragged out of science to work elsewhere.

I also find it absurd that they have people with no qualifications filling in for you. As it is a specialised position you need a minimum qualification. When I went on leave last year no one got to the interview stage (when looking for my replacement) if they didn't have a science degree and experience.
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Re: Do you move around?

Post by Labbie »

Interesting wayne, Sorry to say this, but I do not think they care.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Do you move around?

Post by vickir »

I think you are right Labbie, (no, Labbie I know that you are right). Of course my HT and Science teachers care, BUT the SAM who does the employing, has no idea what I do in Science, or cares what I do. I think she thinks all I do is put a bit of equipment together for pracs and wash beakers and test tubes.
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Re: Do you move around?

Post by Vicki L »

Yes I do. I have 3 days a week in Science and 2 days in the office. So Science has no Lab Assistant the days I am in the office although I can duck down to Science if someone needs something through my Office days. It works out very well and I thoroughly enjoy both spots.
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Re: Do you move around?

Post by Labbie »

Seems that so many schools are still moving people around in and out of science
Regards Labbie

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Re: Do you move around?

Post by Prima »

Lucky me - all in Science apart from a few hours every couple of months when I'm quieter than normal and able to help with an admin task if asked.
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