Environmental friendly Disposable Gloves?

MSDSs, Storage, Handling, Transport, Labeling, computer management systems, and anything else to do with safety.
Marama T
Posts: 232
Joined: 01 Aug 2017, 12:19
Job Title: Laboratory technician
School: College
State/Location: NSW

Re: Environmental friendly Disposable Gloves?

Post by Marama T »

I've been saving up our gloves coz the head teacher said "Wait and see" re the recycling box. If there's money left over towards the end of the year, we'll get it. The gloves take up hardly any room, too. In the future I will only buy the biodegradable gloves from Haines. I emailed them a while ago regarding these gloves coz there wasn't much info on the website (like what do they break down into and are they really biodegradable) and received a very satisfactory answer. I'll try to find the info they sent me and post it here.
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