Lead Nitrate

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Lead Nitrate

Post by Catie »

Could other labbies please let me know what molarity of lead nitrate they use for Yr 7-10?
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Re: Lead Nitrate

Post by macca »

lead(II) nitrate <0.003 M (<0.1% wt/wt) 7-12 years
lead(II) nitrate 0.003-0.03 M (0.1-1% wt/wt) 11-12
lead(II) nitrate 0.03-0.18 M (1-6% wt/wt) and above including solid Teacher only
lead(II) nitrate 0.18-0.45 M (6-15% wt/wt)

that's according to Riskassess
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Re: Lead Nitrate

Post by RosalieL »

we use 0.001M. I try to get the teachers to make the kids wear gloves for it as well just as an extra precaution even though it is very dilute.
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Re: Lead Nitrate

Post by elaruu »

Until recently we were using 0.1M 8-[ (oops!) , which had been set up in droppers before I started. Until I realised that 7-10s could only use <0.003M. So I set them up as 0.002M. Still works just as well for what they need it for.
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