Malus' Law apparatus

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Malus' Law apparatus

Post by karend »

Is there anyone out there in labbie land who can help me source the abovementioned equipment. Never heard of it until recently, have googled it, but cannot find out where to purchase it. Any help appreciated and hoping you are staying well.
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Re: Malus' Law apparatus

Post by bigmack »

I think we did this last year . We still had some old optical tracks from years ago .

Put a Light box at one end , a Datalogger with Lux sensor ( probably could have used a regular Lux meter ) at the other and used a IEC Polaroid Filter ( HL1883-060) in between .

I think they plotted Lux against the Angle of the Polarizing Filter .
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Re: Malus' Law apparatus

Post by karend »

Many thanks, bigmack. Will pass onto teacher.
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