When Deputies Attack...

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When Deputies Attack...

Post by smiley »

Once again I find my perspective on life is not that of all my peers!

After doing some dry ice experiments - self-inflating balloons etc - some of the really nice kids asked me if there was anything else exciting we could do with dry ice? "Well," I say, rolling my eyes in the direction of the teacher, "We could always blow up a coke bottle." So, the class, the teacher and I troop out into the blazing sun, where I fill a coke bottle 1/3 full of dry ice and place it in the middle of our grassy area, between the two heritage listed buildings that house our staff and our Music/English classrooms.

I warn the kids that just when they have given up on the bottle it will explode. So true to form, the bottle blows up KABOOM 8O right before the bell. Teachers in the staff area look out to see the kids, the teacher and myself laughing like hyenas, and gathering pieces of inside-out coke bottle off the grass.

Next day the teacher and I receive a note from the deputy. Was it complaining that we rattled the 100 year old windows, or that we terrified passing tourists so essential to our economy, or even that we failed to let anybody know that we were not under terrorist attack? No, none of the above. We were in strife because the girls were NOT WEARING THEIR UNIFORM HATS!!!!! :w00t:

Ah well. Clearly I'll be off the Christmas Card list at this rate. Cheers, K 8-)
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Re: When Deputies Attack...

Post by Jazz »

Cheers Jazz
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Re: When Deputies Attack...

Post by dolphinscales »

LOL sorry but i have a great visual - ohh dear ! Dont forget next time to the young ladies to wear their hats!!
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Re: When Deputies Attack...

Post by cheltie »

What a classic!
Here the main concern seems to be that every one has their top button done up. Doesn't matter what you are doing as long as that top button is secure.
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Re: When Deputies Attack...

Post by pkij »

This reminds me of an experience I had with dry ice! A couple of years ago I took some unused dry ice home for my kids to have a play with. I went out only to return to neighbours complaining of the earthquake and extremely loud band when they decided to do the same thing as you did 8O . Yes it rips a coke bottle to shreds and makes the ground shake.
I did feel like a bad mother at the time, but I guess what else to you expect when mum is a labbie!! :thumbup:
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Re: When Deputies Attack...

Post by Ian »

One of my Chem teachers favourites is to collect both the H2 and 02 from a voltameter in the same orchy bottle. (bigger bottles are obviously better!). He seals the bottle, inverts it and burns through the lid with a wax taper on the end of a metre rule. I knew he was doing "the Dem" but I was in an OH&S committee meeting at the time. Wow! I've never seen a whole committee of people move out of their seats and over to the window so quick in all my life! :grin:

What a shame you can get arrested for making gun powder these days! :wink2:

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Re: When Deputies Attack...

Post by Trudy »

Ah yes Deputies you've got to love their dedication and attention to the important details. A few years ago when all of the OHS issues were first being raised we had alot more fire extinguishers installed around the school in the little bright red cabinets. They were painted beige to blend in better with the decor!! :-o We were also not happy with the new fume cupboard chimney extension - It completely spoiled the roof line of the building!!!. You've gotta love em
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Re: When Deputies Attack...

Post by smiley »

Fume cupboard chimneys! Luxury 8O We can't have fume cupboard chimneys, because they'd blow away in a cyclone, and wrap around a tree somewhere. This happened to one of the schools on the Tablelands behind Cairns, just after they spent $3000 installing it! So now we have a portable fume cupboard on a trolley. Mind you, "portable" is a subjective term, at best.

Cheers, K 8-)
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Re: When Deputies Attack...

Post by cactus155 »

gee Beige fire extingusher cabinents, guess the fire service would have been over the moon when they come to test the extingushers or just have a bit of a look around during a fire drill
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