Animal blood and forensics

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Animal blood and forensics

Post by curie »

Any one use animal blood for forensics pracs with luminol?
Are we allowed to use animal blood (I assume this would be OK as we do dissections)
Anyone know where we can get black lights and luminol cheaply?

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Re: Animal blood and forensics

Post by fibreweb »

Last week I made hand prints after handling hearts etc for dissection that were then used the next day with Luminol.

The Luminol is not cheap. Check around the different suppliers it can vary in price from $80 - $ 150 for only 5 grams.
Check your recipe, I have one that calls for 2gm luminol in 250 mls but another that has only 0.1gm in made up in 200 mls 10% NaOH.
We didn't need a black light to see the glow.
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Re: Animal blood and forensics

Post by Merilyn1 »

Luminol will also react to bleach, although there is a slight difference. (So the moral is: if you commit a murder, don't think that cleaning it up with bleach will get you off the hook).
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