Applying for your own job?

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Applying for your own job?

Post by dime »

This is mainly directed at NSW govt schools labbies. I am permanent F/T SAO and worked in science for 21 years. I have also done a lot of admin jobs as well over the years. Our new principal now wants all permanents and temps to fill in an EOI to do our own jobs. I have been in touch with the union, and await what they say. I can pick a lot of holes in his arguments ie. it is in the Role Statement of the SAM to allocate work etc.

But just wondering if any other SAO's across NSW have had to do this?
Thank you for any thoughts on the matter.
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Re: Applying for your own job?

Post by J »

We have been given advance warning that it may be in the pipeline, although we are lead to believe that SAMs will have to do it before we do.
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Re: Applying for your own job?

Post by macca »

I would be interested to see what the Union say! please let us know. :w00t: I know that Teachers assistants here are re-employed at the beginning of each year depending on that years funding.
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Re: Applying for your own job?

Post by Labbie »

It is called Mulit skilling, and yes the PSA support this. It has been happening at this school for over 5 years now. I hate it, but can not beat it. I am staying in Science due to the fact their is NO training for science, but I get moved if the SAM feels like it.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Applying for your own job?

Post by noona »

You are so right Sue but as we are all SAO'S they can put us in any job in the school.
Here no one wants to come to Science :-( but the office ladys have started training in the roles of each other.
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Re: Applying for your own job?

Post by dime »

Well, the union won't get back to me till Wednesday. So he wasn't useful, but sympathetic.
Today we had a breakthrough in that the Principal agreed to meet with the permanent SAOs. I can understand that an EOI should be filled out for people (temps) wanting work. As he is a new principal, he didn't understand what we do as SAOs and SLSOs - permanent and temps. (He is still unsure I think). Anyway he is finally going to let the SAM do her job, which is allocating jobs and work loads. Thank heavens our SAM said what she did to make him see reason. She almost had to browbeat him with facts, but we got a backdown. Hooray.
It would have been a ludicrous situation to do an EOI for one's own position, in that you are permanent already. The temps will still have to do the EOI which will make the process of employment equitable. :clap3:
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