Casual Work?

job vacancies / employment wanted
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Casual Work?

Post by Merilyn1 »

Hi Everyone
It's been a long time since I posted anything - I'd actually forgotten my password. For those of you who remember me, it has been 12 months since I left the World of Labbies to go back to the nursery industry. Things haven't gone quite to plan (if you really want to know the full story PM me).

Anyway, at present I am only working 3 days a week, great for the sanity, not so good for the bank account! So I am looking for some extra work - I am available Mondays and Tuesdays. I live near Picton, NSW, anywhere an hour away is easily done. I would also consider travelling further afield, but would need some flexibility with start/finish times.

For those of you who don't know me, I worked as a labbie for two years, not a great deal of experience compared to most of you guys but I managed to pick things up pretty quickly -a lot of things I do in the nursery are actually similar to labbie work (pesticide handling, for example has same safety procedures as chemical handling) and I've been doing nursery work for nearly 20 years.

If I can help you out, please PM me.
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Re: Casual Work?

Post by sunray18 »

So sorry that things did not work out as you expected - i seem to be hearing this a lot these days, I think we don't realise just how tought things are!
Hope you get extra work soon.
Sorry I am too far away to help you, but hoping and praying for you
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