Alloy Prac

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Alloy Prac

Post by malook »

I'm looking for an easy Alloy Prac that does not require a blast furnace or anything too dangerous for Year 10. ope you can help :-(
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Re: Alloy Prac

Post by dime »

Many years ago, a teacher used to make an alloy with lead shot, I think. I can't remember the other ingredient, but possibly tin. He used to use crucibles but as I couldn't get it out when set, I gave him the crucible lids, which we had in abundance, and could then be thrown out. To stir I think he possibly used bits of copper wire. The teacher still sometimes does casual work, so I will ask him when I see him, just what the metals were - if he remembers!
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Re: Alloy Prac

Post by smeee »

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Re: Alloy Prac

Post by malook »

Yes thanks, its hard to find something not messy (crucibles), the lead shot is a bit of a concern for fumes. I appreciate your input.
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Re: Alloy Prac

Post by mtg »

We used to make an alloy- 4g of lead foil and 6g of tin foil, roll the metals together and place in a crucible. Heat the crucible til they melt, stir with spatula and then remove the oxide layer. (Stop heating after 5-6 mins.) Then use tongs to pour the alloy into a metal tray then flatten gently with a hammer. Let it cool. Given the dangers of lead fumes you'd have to use a fume hood these days. My son did heaps of different alloys for his project science prac. years ago. Lots worked but I've no idea what he used. I'll keep looking.
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Re: Alloy Prac

Post by mtg »

OK Found their prac! They made tin/lead, tin/brass, tin/copper, copper/brass and the rest were rubbish apparently. However with the copper/brass, they used "a blowtorch" and when "neither had melted after 15 minutes....... we decided to use the oxy-acetylene torch...". I'm assuming they were in the metal work room or at home in the back shed without permission!!!! I think the tin/copper one might work tho'
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