How much are we supposed to do?

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trish armstrong
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How much are we supposed to do?

Post by trish armstrong »

On top of all my duties I always have to fix things, and if I can't do it I take it home for my hubby to try and fix. I am talking about triple beam balances, microscopes,etc. I also as part of my duties put screws on walls at school fix drawers and doors and other minor maintance stuff. Does anyone else have these responsibilities? It is expected of me to do these tasks?
Plus I do the photocoping for my facualty,Been told that I should not do this? :-|
Very confused at what point should I say No. I sometimes feel like a handy man.
Trish. :D
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by Loopy »

Know what you mean Trish. I believe that we have do everything short of miracles, and even then we perform those with alacrity. I guess it all boils down to your job description and if it might need renegotiating. :mad:
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by Labbie »

I also do the photo copying only for science. Minor repairs, and Maintance on the Microscopes, cleaning etc. If I can not fix it. I get a chap to pick it up to repair it. Repair's are the bottom of the list to do. Yes handy man that us.
Regards Labbie

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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by Voice »

G'day Trish,
Anything, anything that requires you to take home for your husband to fix is NOT your responsibility. It is the school's responsibility and it should pay for service. DO NOT take jobs home. I fiddle with the microscopes and have fixed plenty of triple arm balances in my time, but that is SCIENCE equipment done in school time and not building maintenance.
I do not know if you are with a private or state high school but I am sure that in a state high school duties for a Science Laboratory Technician are fairly well spelt out and building maintenance is not part of that.
I know that it can be difficult as you are only one person doing this job in a school and therefore do not get the support at times when you need it. However, nothing will change whilst you continue to perform duties that are NOT YOURS.
Check with your union as well. I have and can see myself cleaning sinks, but I would never repair one. There is a big difference.
Photcopying is another matter. This could be a duty but I consider it lazy on the part of the teachers if you are doing it. Personally I believe it should be a teacker's duty to do his/her own photocopying. I would assume that an original might go into the teacher's personal filing cabinet. If that is the case, it is personal copying. If the original goes into a science file, then it is departmental copying.
How much time do you have? You sound as though there is too much required of you and I would agree if you are doing all these other duties. Check out your duties list and talk to you Head of Department about what is happening. You are the faculty's primary resource. If you are being overwhelmed I would hope the faculty head would do something about it.
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by dime »

If you are a state school, see your SAM. Not sure about private schools. Building maitenance is the job of a general assistant, or repair man. Do not feel inadequate if you can't fix things - we are not trained to do so. We only have our common sense. If you can't fix it, or get it fixed by the school paying, throw it out and buy another! Sounds drastic, but you didn't break it and that's life in a school. On the photocopying, I do it if it is more complicated than straight copying, ie collated and stapled stuff. Except for the Head of Dept who won't use the slow copiers meant for teachers, so she gets her "slave" to do it. Grrrrr
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by trish armstrong »

There is no-one organised at this school to do maintence work on science equipment. Sometimes I don't mind fixing it, but half the time I have no clue on how to begin. The GA takes 12 months to put a nail on the wall in this place. :redcard:
Well its my hell and I have to do it. :-({|=
I have spoken to the SAM and she has know idea what to do. The HOD says put it aside and will fix it later. (thats code talk for it will never get done). I may have to do the strategy of throw out and purchase new. Then see what solutions are made available When we have no budget by half way through the year. :giggle:
Thanks Everyone.
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by matchstick »

hi there

I also do the copying for my faculty but maintenance and repairs I either ask our GA or i stock all repairs in the storeroom and have a 'guy' come in and take it all away to be repaired.Theres no way im repairing small jobs such as screws and nails......and as for the microscopes their too fiddly to be trying to repair.Im kind of lucky as well I have a manily male staff and pretty cluey on how to repair things but Your faculty should have a maintenance budget for this kind of thing.
....and you should not be talking equipment home for hubby to mend because at the end of the day if something is found faulty with the item it could cause serious harm, not to mention you dont get payed over time for this
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by macca »

This post couldn't have come at a better time, Job description whats that!!!!!!!!!! If you can't fix it, throw it. Maintenance how long do we wait. Photcopy I nolonger do for the department, for HOD sometimes to help him out, which I don't mind.

I have been compiling lists today
School related jobs done at home since 1995 only up to 2001 full page (no more) :redcard:
Jobs done at school that have nothing to do with being a lab assistant since 1995 only up to 2001full page (no more) :redcard:
How often do we need to be treated so so badly.
Sorry everyone!
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by macca »

Sorry everyone, much better day today. The support from my HOD couldn't be better he is fantastic. Also happens to be the Union Rep. :D
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by franco »

I think the answer to this one is: the more obliging you are, the more will be given to you to do.

I'm reasonably sure lab techs were initially appointed to perform those tasks that only science teachers would have to do - on top of 'across the board' teaching duties - if we were not employed. For example, non-science teachers do not have to make up solutions, prepare experiments or repair faulty equipment. Science teachers would have to do these jobs is we were not employed, which would result in a much heavier workload than other teachers. Conversely, non-science teachers do their own photocopying (unless the school is fortunate enough to employ a person to perform this task), so there is no reason why we should do science teachers' copying, or any other jobs that non science teachers do as a matter of course. Science teachers work the same hours and have the same conditions as other teachers and are actually considerably better off (in WA) than art, d&t and phys ed staff, who all have to prepare their hands-on activities for students and deal with alot of the cleaning up afterwards.
I think science teachers have had it too good for too long and need to be more prepared, more accountable and more considerate. Many's the time teachers have dropped pracs on me at 3.30pm, for 8.30am the next day as they walk out the door for the day. These days, I'm right behind the teacher; if they can't be bothered to assist, I can't be bothered to look at it until the next day.
Unfortunately, teachers can be a childish, petulant bunch and can make our lives very uncomfortable, so I think each case has to be considered separately. I don't mind late orders if all I'm doing is washing up or dusting the shelves - anything but cleaning!.
It also depends upon what is wanted and how much they are prepared to grovel!!!!
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by kimmy »

I do photcopying for the whole of the science faculty - it is part of my job - as far as I am aware it has been since i started and i really dont mind doing it. If something needs fixing and I can fix it I try - if not isee the GA - if not well we ask about and if it cant be fixed well lets replace it, if possible or get it fixed. I never take stuff home to be fixed.
As for fixing of building equipment doors etc that is left up to the GA I would never try that :redcard: - put one on backwards and they will never ask you again. Put a hinge on backwaards and get a good laugh. :w00t: :-|
We had to do a list of duties for all the SASS staff and it is rather interesting to see the length of ours prepared to the others yet we are the ones who are not replaced when away.
Oh well at least we have a job that we all enjoy and I know I enjoy working with the guys that I work with and they make my day fun.

Dont be a GA's assitant :banghead: and dont take stuff home to fix is my advise to you.

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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by vlclabbie »

Fran love your reply! So true :clap3:

I don't have to do photocopying but I will if someone asks nicely & I have the time. Sometimes if I can manage to get ahead of myself organising pracs I will look into the next week & if some request doesn't have the accompanying materials I will go photocopy one for me.

I try to repair stuff where I can but if it's cheap or too hard we will ditch & buy another or send it to someone who can fix it. I certainly am not called on to try & fix doors etc..... we have a maintenance guy for that.

Hope you work it all out Trish! :console:
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by tuesday »

HI Trish,
I have a duty statement at my school and photocopying is on that list . But there are two of us and we are to only fix what is in our means in school time, otherwise it goes to a miantance person and then throw out if unable to fix. I like your idea of throwing things out that get put on the we'll see pile, as this will get the ones on top attention. Good luck with it and don't do anything above what is on your duty statement. Us with kids maybe super mums at home but shouldn't be at work too. Thou I do take dark choc bribs
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by Shas »

Hi All,
On top of all the other jobs mentioned, do you find yourself asked, or feeling obliged to clean benches (i.e. graffiti), sinks and all the other crap that seems to accumulate in science labs. :yuck: because we have old labs, the kids are sitting next to sinks and gas taps to fiddle and poke - anything to save actually paying attention to the teacher. They also seem to have some sort of paraplegia when it comes to walking to the bin to put rubbish in. don't suppose the kids will change in a hurry so I better keep cleaning.
Oh the joys!!!!!! \:D/

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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by macca »

tuesday, you're so right super mums we are, and dark chocolate any chocolate is the way to our heart. :clap3:
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by macca »

Shas wrote:Hi All,
On top of all the other jobs mentioned, do you find yourself asked, or feeling obliged to clean benches (i.e. graffiti), sinks and all the other crap that seems to accumulate in science labs. :yuck: because we have old labs, the kids are sitting next to sinks and gas taps to fiddle and poke - anything to save actually paying attention to the teacher. They also seem to have some sort of paraplegia when it comes to walking to the bin to put rubbish in. don't suppose the kids will change in a hurry so I better keep cleaning.
Oh the joys!!!!!! \:D/

I even sanded (electrical sander) and painted the old lab benches later to find out during renovations they were made of asbestos (arh days gone, and never to be repeated).
Have a good weekend everyone.
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by lizzieb »


At Tamworth High we have a little bucket with cleaning gear and gloves, and the teachers send offenders they catch down for it so that they have to clean up their own graffiti. Trouble is, teachers from other faculties will sometimes come and borrow it, too!

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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by dime »

Hi Shas
If you are in a det school, you do not have to clean sinks. That is the job of the cleaners. I believe they get paid better than us, so I do not do their job for them. The teachers need to take some responsibility for the behaviour of the kids and the cleanliness of their labs. I also appreciate the kids are difficult, but it is not our job to clean up their garbage.
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Re: How much are we supposed to do?

Post by malook »

I pretty much do all those things and lots of admin jobs for them, although I did draw the line at typing the exams for them . the previous lab assistant here was office trained and could type well - I'm not that good! I guess even though you are being used you do learn to develop lots of extra skills. Good luck. Malook
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