Just bragging really

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Just bragging really

Post by smiley »

Thought I'd share a glimpse of my week with you. It's been special.

Monday. Went on a school excursion to the beach (i.e. crossed the road). Counted mud whelks, mud skippers, pelicans and other living things to gain a picture of the eco-system. Humans didn't count as they are mostly tourists at that time of the day, and therefore are non-native (invasive) species.

Tuesday. While looking at the plants in our grounds counted 5 different species of butterflies, including Ulysses and Cairns Birdwings, both male and female, all enjoying the sunshine and looking for places to lay their eggs. (we have the relevant plant species in our gardens, on purpose)

Today - Wednesday - while chatting to a supplier noticed a Tawny Frogmouth in the tree outside my window, trying desperately (and largely successfully) to look like a branch on said tree. So far, no student has noticed him. Janitor has fenced off the bike rack that a pair of breeding Bush Stone Curlews decided to nest in over the holidays, and it is now officially out-of-bounds until the eggs hatch. Only the very brave walk near the bike racks now.

Did I mention I'm never moving South again?

Have a nice rest of the week.
Cheers, K 8-)
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Re: Just bragging really

Post by RosalieM »

Despite all the late notice requests, messes in prep-rooms, day-to-day dramas of MSDSs, endless washing up and dealing with teachers, there are times like that when you know you really can't complain about your job! I spent yesterday morning in the Hunter Valley on a tour through a winery and then had lunch at the little village at the Hunter Valley Gardens on a Geography excursion :) I was asked to go as the female staff member and extra bus driver (our school policy is no more than 2 hrs driving the bus). Sometimes I quite like the fact that I'm not replaced because it means I get to do these trips. If they had to pay someone to cover me I'm sure I wouldn't get to go!
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Re: Just bragging really

Post by gillegan »

Life in the North is rather special isn't it.
I get the pleasure of lifting the cistern lid and trying to push aside 13 green tree frogs to get the flush happening every time I use the disabled loo next to the lab.
When I first arrived last year I actually put in a maintenance request for a faulty flusher before investigating it myself and finding them.
Needless to say I quickly cancelled the request. :mrgreen:
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Re: Just bragging really

Post by Ocker »

If ever I get to Cairns, I want to meet you Kirsten :crazy: :w00t:
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Re: Just bragging really

Post by Voice »

Well Kirsten, I can well understand the value of the place where you live. Lucky for me, I detest the heat and thus live in an area that suits my purpose. I do not have those beauties at my school, however, the family of magpies that I hand feed every year do appreciate the rail on our front porch. Why? This is where they sit when I feed them. Next the Red breasted robin in the back yard was a pleasant surprise this morning as was the yellow one on my walk with the dogs. The finches when they come to the bird baths make such a noise that one just has to stop and look at their antics. And the Banjo frog that laid eggs twice in my husband's front fish pond. The fish had a good feed the first time, the second time we got the eggs out into another pond. And they grew well. We used to have more wild life until our young staffie hunted down 6 blue tongues. We have not been able to control this in her so that when she attacked a tiger snake she came out 2nd best. Luckily for us, an attendant nurse saw it happen and was able to get her to the VET in time.
If I lived in Cairns I would be working as close to an air conditioner as possible. I wear a T shirt when it is 12 degrees so I don't feel the cold that much.
I am glad you enjoy where you live.
I know I do!
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Re: Just bragging really

Post by rodannt »

Hey Kristin
I am heading up your way on the July school holidays and would love a locals top 10 things to see and do!
E mail me if you want stephens.anne.m@edumail.vic.gov.au
Any info would be much appreciated
Anne in Vic
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Re: Just bragging really

Post by Labbie »

You just have to have to go to the butterfly place, it is just great. A look inside think it is St Monica's church with all the stain glass windows, even for 5 mins is a must. Mind you it will take you longer than 5 mins. Their is a small zoo place on top of a hotel. It is has a show as well and that also is a must. A truly lovely place to visit, hateing the cold its a place I would love to live.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Just bragging really

Post by Sassi »

I though this could be suitable here...

Only 5 weeks to work (including this one) before I leave to go to Sweden

Sassi :drunk:
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Re: Just bragging really

Post by lada »

Dont forget one day less. Long weekend in June!!! :clap3:
Lada :coffee:
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