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by bigmack
14 Oct 2024, 09:03
Forum: Recipes and Pracs
Topic: Egg whites
Replies: 8
Views: 604

Re: Egg whites

Thankyou Rosalie this was what I was hoping to hear . I didn't know they made silicone molds of that size .....would have been perfect . Alas I have to make another 80 pieces by tomorror for the remaining Yr8 classes so won't have time to order one in time . But will for next year . BTW , the cubes ...
by bigmack
13 Oct 2024, 09:12
Forum: Recipes and Pracs
Topic: Egg whites
Replies: 8
Views: 604

Re: Egg whites

Tried a few ways . Poured some in a test tube and hard boiled it in a beaker but the egg seemed to be all broken into layers instead if being a solid lump of egg white and I couldn’t get it out of the tube either . Next I tried placing a glass petrie dish on a ceramic beehive in a beaker with just e...
by bigmack
08 Oct 2024, 08:32
Forum: Recipes and Pracs
Topic: Egg whites
Replies: 8
Views: 604

Re: Egg whites

How odd, liquid egg whites in a pouch. Can I ask what the prac is ?. We do an egg prac where we dissolve the shell off then let them sit in different conc salt solutions.... is it similar?. If so I would love to know... dissolving the shell is absolute pain and if you go to far you actually destroy...
by bigmack
03 Oct 2024, 10:21
Forum: Recipes and Pracs
Topic: Egg whites
Replies: 8
Views: 604

Egg whites

Hey all , been asked to make lots of 1cm cubes of hard boiled egg white for a enzyme prac . Never done this before so asking any handy hints . Apparently I need 40 cubes for each of the 3 classes . I'm thinking that is 100mm x 120mm x10mm = 120mls of egg white I'm going to get this stuff instead of ...
by bigmack
02 Oct 2024, 17:01
Forum: Recipes and Pracs
Topic: Iron II Sulfate
Replies: 18
Views: 18089

Re: Iron II Sulfate

Hi everyone, Can someone please pass on an essay 0.1m Iron sulfate recipe. Thanks in advance It depends whether you have Heptahydrate of Anhydrous powder . There should be a Molecular Weight on the container . IE Anhydrous stuff should be MW 151.908 whereas the Heptahydrate should say MW 278.02 Thi...
by bigmack
27 Sep 2024, 10:04
Forum: Recipes and Pracs
Topic: Cutting Magnesium ribbon
Replies: 12
Views: 7858

Re: Cutting Magnesium ribbon

I love that MrC =D>
That is flash \:D/
by bigmack
27 Sep 2024, 09:08
Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
Topic: Resistors
Replies: 11
Views: 4255

Re: Resistors

Incidentally , using 10watt resistors , you wouldn’t actually need to use water ….. especially if you had 20 ohms @ 20 watts . However , the reason water is used is because the resistance of the resistor changes as it gets hot . By using water cooling , the resistor becomes an “Ohmic Resistor” meani...
by bigmack
27 Sep 2024, 08:54
Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
Topic: Resistors
Replies: 11
Views: 4255

Re: Resistors

Serrata are now owned by MTA . I made some water cooled resistors for my wife last year . I bought some screw lid jars from $2 shop and some banana sockets and resistors from Jaycar . EDIT : I just remembered Jaycar didn’t have enough resistors and sockets in the local store so I bought some from an...
by bigmack
25 Sep 2024, 18:52
Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
Topic: Use of Borax in schools
Replies: 15
Views: 1748

Re: Use of Borax in schools

Sooooo …..are we being too anal ….. or is the rest of the world too blasé
by bigmack
18 Sep 2024, 18:36
Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
Topic: Use of Borax in schools
Replies: 15
Views: 1748

Re: Use of Borax in schools

It apparently can effect unborn babies . Not a problem for males but girls could be unknowingly pregnant and that it the problem .Some schools use it in juniour school where it it highly unlikely there are any girls of child bearing age . Female teachers should be made aware that although its a teac...
by bigmack
18 Sep 2024, 18:29
Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
Topic: Cleaning Glassware Fast!
Replies: 31
Views: 6920

Re: Cleaning Glassware Fast!

Hydrogen peroxide cleans permanganate stains off right before your eyes . Fizz fizz fizz . Only need 6% stuff. Pour it in the flask ,swish it around for a minute . Pour it into the next , swish it around etc etc etc . Only need about 50mls and will do maybe 1/2 dozen flasks easy HCl will sort rust l...
by bigmack
17 Sep 2024, 09:05
Forum: Sourcing Materials & Eq Repairs
Topic: Upgrading old Caralina Electrophoresus for Dye
Replies: 5
Views: 3260

Re: Upgrading old Caralina Electrophoresus for Dye

Hi Rosalie Yes you can just use plain Agar .It’s one of the beauties of the dye .No more expensive Agarose powder . Also yes I used Bicarb soda as the electrolyte but I can’t remember the concentration . I could find out for you though . As for the dyes , the set I got had a little sticker on them s...
by bigmack
10 Sep 2024, 21:26
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: repurposing conical flasks
Replies: 6
Views: 851

Re: repurposing conical flasks

Rowanne wrote: 10 Sep 2024, 11:33 I cant figure out how to post a picture or link sorry
Hi Rowanne .
Pictures are can be added cua attachments .

See this topic I created
by bigmack
09 Sep 2024, 16:25
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: repurposing conical flasks
Replies: 6
Views: 851

Re: repurposing conical flasks

Goldfish bowls :whistling2:

I’ve never found volume marks to be that good on most flasks or beakers in the first place . They are probably still good to use for titrations at least .
by bigmack
06 Sep 2024, 15:21
Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
Topic: pH Buffers
Replies: 5
Views: 883

Re: pH Buffers

OK I just did it .$33 flat fee freight.
$77.55 for 3x Buffer tablets (4,7,10) and Freight .
by bigmack
06 Sep 2024, 15:10
Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
Topic: pH Buffers
Replies: 5
Views: 883

Re: pH Buffers

Thanks Rosalie.
That's a great price . Haven't checked freight yet , but surely can't be more than $25 Haines wanted .
by bigmack
06 Sep 2024, 12:48
Forum: Biology, Physics...
Topic: Dissection blocks
Replies: 21
Views: 6649

Re: Dissection blocks

We had those Grey shallow trays at old school to Rosalie . Apparently they were Photographic development trays . I couldn't find the original ones for Love nor Money but I did find some Newer ones .They all had a small pourer on one corner . I thought they looked strange but the Bio teacher said it...
by bigmack
05 Sep 2024, 10:11
Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
Topic: pH Buffers
Replies: 5
Views: 883

pH Buffers

Hi Labbies . I've just realized all our Sparkvue pH probes are well out of calibration. I have also realized that we have no pH4 buffer solution . I have also just realized that Buffer solution has a limited shelf life 12-18 months unopened and less than 3 months when opened . At old school we had b...
by bigmack
04 Sep 2024, 18:31
Forum: Safety with Chemicals
Topic: Disposal of damaged lithium batteries
Replies: 12
Views: 1923

Re: Disposal of damaged lithium batteries

When I was worrying like heck about how dangerous these batteries were , I did a bit of googling . Yes there have been a few cases of batteries catching fire . I watched a professor who specialises in Lithium batteries and his opinion was that yup , they can catch fire . But it is very rare . About ...
by bigmack
03 Sep 2024, 16:06
Forum: Safety with Chemicals
Topic: Disposal of damaged lithium batteries
Replies: 12
Views: 1923

Re: Disposal of damaged lithium batteries

At my last school I was ITC one day a week . I quickly realised that the batteries in most of our Chromebooks were swollen up so much they were bulging up the keyboards and the keys were actually flicking off . LOL ….. I naturally blamed the kids at first until I changed a few keyboards and found th...