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Vaquapura Water Purifier

Posted: 25 Jul 2006, 13:16
by Robbie
We have two Vaquapura Water Purifiers (probably purchased in the 1970s). They work very efficiently and until last year we could purchase the replacement ion exchange cartridges from Q Stores. However, these are no longer stocked. Does anyone know where we can obtain these? We don't want the expense of having to buy new equipment when there is nothing wrong with the equipment we have - except we cannot source the replacement cartridges! Hoping someone can help.

Robyn Kleinbergs
Asquith Girls High School

Posted: 26 Jul 2006, 12:26
by rp
Hi Robyn
Only joined yesterday.Its great.
To answer your question is that the brand that you see little stalls at Westfield sometimes in the middle of the shopping area?
Or is there a manufucturers number somewhere.

See you soon Rhonda

Posted: 28 Jul 2006, 13:18
by Robbie
Hi Rhonda,

No, I don't think Westfield would have these particular ones. Domestic water purifiers do not do the same thing as laboratory deonisers.

I agree this forum is great. I tried to get something like this going some years ago but could not find anyone with the necessary IT skills. All thanks to Adam and Robb and the others responsible. I am also pleased to see that non-government schools are involved.

See you around, neighbour.

Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 11:59
by rp
hi Robyn
Im going to Serrata this afternoon, so if I rember I will ask the boys about it for you .They always seem to know where you can buy things from -they are great like that especially Michael.


Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 10:12
by PhysicsOne
I have the same dilemma too. I am about to run out of cartridges so have considered trying the following solutions:

1) Open an old cartridge. Replace the filling with a stocking full with deionising beads and perhaps activated charcoal.
I call it the do it yourself option.

2)My other idea is to adapt the cartridge hole to a smaller size. That way I would be able to fit a "Brita" filter which is readily available in supermarkets for a good price. These cartridges are smaller than a Vaqapura but I think they should be at least good for 70litres. I tested the water from my fathers Brita filter and it had a low conductivity.

I like the Vaqupura as it works well and has an excellent conductivity meter. I considered swapping to the large 7.5 litre Brita cask model (approx $60 I think) but it doesn't have the conductivity meter to test for water purity. Though they do have an electric filter change indicator.

In the mean time try:
Insight water treatment
Ph: (02) 9890 9393

He may have a few left.