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Science shopping

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 11:33
by villers
Hi guys,

Just wondering what others do in regards to buying fresh items required for prac's. For example, if a teacher needs milk for a prac the next day should the assistant be the one to run out and get it? It depends on who needs it, some just get it themselves and I organise reimbersment. But when your working with 8 teachers sometimes it means I'm making trips (out of my way, as we're not near shops) most days of the week. Is it stated anywhere that we are obligated to do it? The lab assistant before me seemed to have everyone doing it for themselves unless she was going in anyway.Look forward to hearing your opinions.

Villers :?

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 12:13
by Nikki
Hi Villers

I only have 2 teachers that I have to get items for and lucklily they are wuite organised so I mostly have prior notice. Perhaps you could make a day a week that you will go to the shops and have a place for the teachers to leave you a shopping list so that you can reduce your trips. In regard to going to the shops in as far as travel goes, if you keep a log book you should be able to claim a reimbursement from the registrar for you rmilage so that you are not out of pocket for using your own car.

In regard to whose reposnsibilty it is, on the JDF I have it is my reposnsibility to collect and organise itmes required.


Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 12:37
by kate1
Hi Villers,
I also have to purchase items for practicals. It says in my award that "when an employee, in the course of their duty, is required by the employer to go any place away from their usual place of employment, they shall be paid all expense reasonably incurred". It also states in the award that this is 55 cents per kilometer.
You are only obligated to do go shopping if it states so in your job description, however I think that it is pretty commonplace.
I only go to the shops one day a week. It takes the teachers a while to get used to this, but eventually (if you are firm in your resolution to go only once a week) they will get more organised and provide you with enough notice.
I hope that this helps.


Posted: 28 Jun 2006, 11:53
by juliem
Hi Newbie
Shopping is a ‘negotiated area” which means talking to the HT and setting the limits
Ref – Manual for school assistants working in science and DET duties for School Assistants
Also a recent memo from the PSA can be found on-line re shopping
I do some, if its is convenient and I have the petty cash - I do make special trips and get paid the DET traveling rate for my car, I also can purchase a number of items through the canteen and everything else the teachers buy as needed and forward planning of their pracs makes this possible along with reminder notes on their desks

Posted: 28 Jun 2006, 13:22
by Dee
I am lucky that I work right across the road from a shopping centre so it is easy to walk across and get what I need. But at a previous school I was a good ten minute drive away so shopping was done once a week, or if someone else was going they would pick stuff up for me. It all boils down to good organisation and forethought I guess

Shopping when I can

Posted: 29 Jun 2006, 14:23
by MichPull
When it comes to shopping I have had to train the teachers to give me plenty of notice as I have limited use of a vechial.
Most of the time it is no problem as I get the teacher to tell me at the end of term what chapters they are doing next term so I have an idea what may be needed and can plan around it.
In general I am given rebersment for the cost of the vechial, or I get the teachers to provide a lift.
This is an issue that is part of the job.


Posted: 30 Jun 2006, 12:12
by Loopy
I see it as part of my contract of employment to facilitate the teachers with their requirements for science. I have petty cash and I am lucky as the teachers (99% of the time) plan a week ahead and therefore I can plan as well. We are a school on the outskirts of Wagga and have a small shopping centre 5mins drive away. I keep track of my mileage and will claim it back on tax.
Lou P.


Posted: 04 Jul 2006, 14:59
by JudyM
I try & do any shopping on the way to school or on the way home, that way I'm not making a special trip into town. I live 30km from work & if I have to shop then I just get to work a bit later. I have my own petty cash & claim on my tax for the petrol.