Chemical disposal

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Chemical disposal

Post by Briony.Magoffin »

Hi all,
Recently I used our contracted waste disposal service to dispose of chemicals. When the invoice came in the SAM told me my portion was $5000 worth. I asked to see the invoice and saw they had charged me for 500kg of waster. I contacted the company and was sent the paperwork. I queried it and said that I had sent them the manifest and there was no way it was 500kg.
I also emailed the truck driver.
The contractor came back to me and said there had been an error at the weigh station. They then charged me for the correct amount $1100.
Moral to the story: take photos, weigh and have a manifest. It pays to be vigilant.
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Re: Chemical disposal

Post by bigmack »

Welcome to Chemtalk Briony.....First post .

Glad to see the Good Ship MHS is in good hands and you are keeping the Bastards honest :D

SAM must have been wondering why I had been stockpiling so many Chemicals :cheesy: ....I don't think we even had 1/2 a tonne all up .
Even a prorata of 500kg for $5k , that means you got rid of over 100kg , Either there is nothing left in the Chem storeroom or they still over charged you :crazy:
Me ,the old Labby and the old GA , were a bad bunch of hoarders . Sorry you and Brett have to clean our mess up .

Seriously though . Great job following it up .Considering how much they charge for disposal , it's pretty damn loose of them to be so wrong with how they record things at their end .After your efforts , they might be more careful in future . Well done and thanks for posting.
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Anna Z
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Re: Chemical disposal

Post by Anna Z »

Excellent work, thanks for raising this. Just a good reminder to check everything . My biggest bill for waste was 2.5K one year and it was an epic clean out of old and nasty crap, 10 years of hoarding by previous staff ...... I think I'd die if I saw a 5K bill for a general clean out.
Marama T
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Re: Chemical disposal

Post by Marama T »

Wow. Dodgy as! Lucky you were onto them.
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