Banning certain plastics in schools

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Banning certain plastics in schools

Post by littltesttube »

Good Morning I received this from my principal and thought I would share it!
Here is the link and a copy of the information. ... 50568d2360

Home The NSW Government is Banning Certain Single-use Plastics in Schools
The NSW Government is Banning Certain Single-use Plastics in Schools
In 2022, NSW is banning certain single-use plastics. We are making you aware of this so you have time to plan for replacements in canteens, uniform shops and boarding houses and other areas where single-use plastics are in use.

While plastic is a versatile and useful product, it’s increasingly threatening our natural environment. Plastic packaging and single-use plastic items make up 60% of all litter in NSW. The Plastic Reduction and Circular Economy Act 2021, passed by NSW Parliament on 16 November 2021, sets out the items to be banned in NSW.

These bans will prevent nearly 2.7 billion plastic items from entering the coastal, marine and bushland environments of NSW over the next 20 years. The legislation also provides a framework that will help transition NSW towards a circular economy where materials and resources are valued and kept in the productive economy, creating jobs and protecting the environment and the community.

Fines and Penalties
Fines may apply if you are supplying a banned item, with a maximum court penalty of 500 penalty units ($55,000) for a corporation and 100 penalty units ($11,000) for an individual. Maximum court penalties are doubled for businesses supplying these items while carrying on a business as a manufacturer, producer, wholesaler or distributor, with penalties of up to 1,000 penalty units ($110,000) for a corporation or 200 penalty units ($22,000) for an individual.

When Does it Apply?
From 1 June 2022, the supply of lightweight plastic bags will be banned in NSW. A lightweight plastic bag is a bag with handles that is 35 microns or less in thickness at any part of the bag and is fully or partly plastic. Lightweight bags made from biodegradable plastics, compostable plastics, or bio-plastics are also banned, including those made from Australian certified compostable plastic.

The bans do not apply to barrier bags such as:

produce bags and deli bags
bin liners
human or animal waste bags
bags used to contain items for medical purposes.
From 1 November 2022, the supply of single-use plastic straws, stirrers, cutlery, bowls and plates and expanded polystyrene (EPS) food service items will be banned in NSW. The supply of single-use plastic cotton buds and microbeads in rinse-off personal care products will also be banned in NSW.

Single-use plastic straws, stirrers and cutlery
The bans apply to single-use plastic straws (see below for exemptions), stirrers and swizzle sticks, and cutlery, including forks, spoons, knives, sporks, splayds, chopsticks, and food picks.

The bans apply even if these items are made from biodegradable plastics, compostable plastics, or bio-plastics. This includes those made from Australian-certified compostable plastic.

The bans do not apply to:

serving utensils such as salad servers or tongs
items that are an integrated part of the packaging used to seal or contain food or beverages or are included within or attached to that packaging, through a machine-automated process (such as a straw attached to a juice box or a spoon included with a yogurt).
Exemptions apply in certain settings to ensure continued access to single-use plastic straws for people with a disability or medical needs.

The exemptions will allow businesses that serve food or drinks, such as cafes and pubs, to provide a single straw from behind the counter on request to people with a disability or medical need. Straws must not be freely available or visible to customers.

Single-use plastic bowls and plates
The bans applies to single-use plastic bowls and plates. The bans apply even if these items are made from biodegradable plastics, compostable plastics, or bio-plastics. This includes those made from Australian certified compostable plastic.

The bans do not apply to:

single-use plastic bowls designed or intended to have a spill-proof lid, such as those used for a takeaway soup.
plates or bowls that are an integrated part of the packaging used to seal or contain food or beverages, or are included within or attached to that packaging, through a machine-automated process (such as a plastic plate included in a frozen meal).

Expanded polystyrene (EPS) food service items
The bans applies to EPS food service items, such as clamshells, cups, plates and bowls.

The bans do not apply to:

EPS fresh produce trays such as those used for raw meat, seafood, fruit or vegetables
EPS packaging, including consumer and business-to-business packaging and transport containers
EPS food service items that are an integrated part of the packaging used to seal or contain food or beverages, or are including within or attached to that packaging, through a machine-automated process (such as an EPS noodle cup).
More information on the NSW Plastics Ban website.

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Re: Banning certain plastics in schools

Post by bigmack »

So what does that mean for us?
I have about 1000 plastic straws that are used for pracs . Possibly 500 plastic spoons .we use these a lot and I usually wash them after a prac .Not quite single use .
We also use Styrofoam cups a lot .

Disposing of unused plastic items is worse than them at least being used first IMO . 8)
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Re: Banning certain plastics in schools

Post by macca »

bigmack wrote: 28 Apr 2022, 11:18 Whoo
So what does that mean for us?
I have about 1000 plastic straws that are used for pracs . Possibly 500 plastic spoons .we use these a lot and I usually wash them after a prac .Not quite single use .
We also use Styrofoam cups a lot .

Disposing of unused plastic items is worse than them at least being used first IMO . 8)
same same, re-use I do get a little upset when they smash the styrofoam cups. I will continue to reuse untill they are all broken. Maybe blow through hollow spaghetti into limewater lol :cheesy:
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Re: Banning certain plastics in schools

Post by Loopy »

OMG! Can they challenge us with more things? I have carefully hoarded these things too.

I have read somewhere that balloons are being considered for banning. Alternative - sheep stomach? :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
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Re: Banning certain plastics in schools

Post by melsid »

hmmm, surely there should be an exemption for educational use?? :neutral:
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Re: Banning certain plastics in schools

Post by Marama T »

I reckon it's GREAT that they're banning these items. We'll have to use metal spoons and paper straws (I've already started buying these). And I can't wait until they ban balloons too! We will find other ways, because that's what scientists do. I'm pleased with any move to reduce plastic waste.
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Re: Banning certain plastics in schools

Post by Merilyn1 »

Marama T wrote: 03 May 2022, 12:14 I reckon it's GREAT that they're banning these items. We'll have to use metal spoons and paper straws (I've already started buying these). And I can't wait until they ban balloons too! We will find other ways, because that's what scientists do. I'm pleased with any move to reduce plastic waste.
I agree Marama - I am sure we will find a way around it. I'm still using plastic straws only because there was nearly a full box of them here when I started four years ago. And I will struggle to find an alternative to clip lock bags (although this article doesn't mention them).

As for the items we already have, I guess we need to look at what the definition of "supply" is. Does it mean buying them from a manufacturer? Or providing them to a buyer? If I get some time I will have a bit more of a read.
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Re: Banning certain plastics in schools

Post by Wayne »

Merilyn1 wrote: 03 May 2022, 15:41 I agree Marama - I am sure we will find a way around it. I'm still using plastic straws only because there was nearly a full box of them here when I started four years ago. And I will struggle to find an alternative to clip lock bags (although this article doesn't mention them).

As for the items we already have, I guess we need to look at what the definition of "supply" is. Does it mean buying them from a manufacturer? Or providing them to a buyer? If I get some time I will have a bit more of a read.
Same Merilyn, I have 1000's of plastic straws and was told to throw them out when plastic straws were banned. I convinced the powers to be that it would be of no benefit to the environment to just throw them away. The number of plastic straws are slowly going down, as I do prefer for the students to use paper straws when they are suitable to use.

This year we have banned balloons, so trying to find an alternative. Open to suggestions for alternatives especially for conservation of mass experiment using bicarb and vinegar.
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Re: Banning certain plastics in schools

Post by bigmack »

You could use a Condom Wayne .
I doubt they will ban those anytime soon ....even though they are also single use . :cheesy:

Don't laugh , as a party trick in my miss guided youth , I would stretch one over my head and blow it up . Those things stretch . :-o...they make a party balloon feel inadequate. :whistling2:
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Re: Banning certain plastics in schools

Post by littltesttube »

Wayne would rubber gloves work?? A small pair from the wrist to the fingers.
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