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Moving equipment between floors

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 14:29
by MichPull
Hello Everyone,

I have been asked by the Principle to find out what methods of moving equipment and chmeicals are existing, or being planned in schools.

We have science laboratories spread between three floors and no means of lifting equipment other than my legs.

We are also looking at saftey because at the moment I have to make sure there are minimal to no studnets around when I transport Conc. acids or heavy items between floors.

If you could let me know that would be great. I am trying to convince the 'Powers that be' that when we remove the old fumecupboards next year to use the 'space' between the floors for a 'dumb waiter'.

Thanks for you assistance.

Moving equipment between floors

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 14:56
by Wendy
Hi Michelle

A few years ago Sandgate District sHS ha d a dumb waiter installed.You could phone Kay and get her opinion on its operation.
Carrying equipment and chemicals around is dangerous for youself (there are legal weight limits), time consuming and can be dangerous with students on the move.
Some options are buy more equipment or have the class change to the room.


Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 06:59
by coxy
Our Science building is on two levels - I have a dumb waiter which was installed when the school was built. I couldn't do my job without it, as there are always heavy things to be carried up and down stairs. However, if an item won't fit in the lift, then it is up to the teachers to carry it. I don't carry anything over 12kgs - ever, for anyone!

Posted: 08 May 2007, 11:43
by swole1
how much are we supposedly allowed to carry weight wise? :-|

Posted: 08 May 2007, 14:13
by fibreweb
Oxley High School is a big school (1150 odd students) and has 4 blocks spread out on a sloping site. 3 of these blocks contain science labs and prep rooms.

It's over 300 metres from my main prep room to either of the other prep rooms. One is up 2 fights of 10 stairs and the other 2 flights of 15 stairs (I have to count them each time as I go up them as my arms are full with a tote tray so I can't see the stairs) My other problem is I have marked lymphoedema in my right arm and my carrying capacity is only 4 kg.

Over the last year we have had ramps installed as one of our teachers is confined to a wheel chair. This has elimated 3 of the flights of stairs and that has made my job a lot easier. Through our O H & S committee I got a big mail trolley with pneumatic wheels.

With this I can load it up and make one trip where previouosly it would have taken many trips. I still have to carry up the last flight of stairs.

There are times however when I get the mountain to come to Mohammed. If a teacher wants the vacuum pump they organise to swap their room with the one closest to the store room so I only have to move the pump 10 metres.

Over the last couple of years I have been purchasing equipment so that each prep room has it's own class set of meters, lamps, conical flasks etc to eliminate some of the carrying of gear.

I also enlist the help of teachers and sometimes students with carrying heavy or bulky items.
