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Placarding on Buildings

Posted: 03 May 2016, 13:13
by sunray18
How can I work out if I need to placard storage locations at the school.
I am thinking that, even if there is not enough material in a store area to need , legally, a placard, it may still be a good idea so that Emergency Personnel can immediately find where items are stored.. Except that also indicates to outsiders where chemicals are if they want to break in... thoughts please

Re: Placarding on Buildings

Posted: 03 May 2016, 13:44
by Labbie
Our fire brigade know where our chemicals are stored, so we do not put up placarding as our principal does not wish too. We really do not wish to advertise to the students, were they are stored. The fire brigade know through chemwatch, they can log on to chemwatch, and see where you have things stored and what etc etc. It may not be the case in country areas.

Re: Placarding on Buildings

Posted: 03 May 2016, 13:57
by AnnNos
Our local fire brigade receive a copy of our chemical register and a map of the school with the stores marked so they know where the chemicals are stored and what is stored there.

Re: Placarding on Buildings

Posted: 03 May 2016, 14:48
by sunray18
Great idea - we shoudl do that

Chem store

Posted: 04 May 2016, 10:55
by astagni
Morning all, with all the who ha on GHS labelling etc ....I am interested in what posters/ information you have on the actual door of your chem store and what is the legal requirement?
Thanks for any knowledge you may have as Safe Work have me on hold waiting, waiting!

Re: Chem store

Posted: 04 May 2016, 11:32
by MissKat
I have this in the prep room and in the labs.

It was mentioned in an ASET workshop back in 2013. I haven't updated it with anything from Aus though.

Re: Chem store

Posted: 04 May 2016, 12:13
by Labbie
Nothing on the chem store door, as we DO NOT wish the students to know what is in there, the fire Bridage have a current list of what we have in that room.

Re: Chem store

Posted: 04 May 2016, 13:37
by karend
WH&S told me I had to have a sign on chem store door. Like you Labbie, we did not want to bring it to the students' attention.

Re: Chem store

Posted: 04 May 2016, 14:50
by gotolady
I was told that we should have some sort of signage but as yet nothing has come of that. On my chem storeroom there is a flammable liquid 3, danger hazardous chemicals, radioactive 7, non smoking and fire extinguisher signs. There are no signs on the outside of the buildings but the fire brigade have access to our chem stocktake.

Re: Chem store

Posted: 04 May 2016, 18:32
by bigmack
The only labeling on our 15 year old Chem store is the words "Chem store ".... :boring :whistling2: : ...We have no GHS labelling on our Chem store room door.... However I see no issues with having them either and will add them if it's needed.
Incidentally , I'm still confused about this .I thought that if anything , we had to have DG symbols on store rooms .

Regarding not trying to draw attention
Go to Bunnings , or the local servo , or anywhere , even the back of Maccas, Symbols , Symbols , Symbols everywhere you look "warning " " danger " " hazards " ...blaa blaa ...can't even walk down the beach ...Danger ...warning
I recon the kids don't even see it anymore ......bit like "Hi Vis" clothing ...the guys that stand out are the ones not wearing it :crazy: ...(sorry that's my personal opinion ....less is more :whistling2: )

Lets face it , the kids see ( well they should , if they are not dumbed down by all the in your face symbols ) hazard and danger stickers all over everything that goes into the labs .... I guess they figured they get stored somewhere .
The lock and door on my storeroom is pretty solid and its permanently locked ...only Me, my offsider and the HT have keys but I doubt the little treasures we have locked away would interest them anyway......I recon they ( the kids ) would be more interested in breaking into the canteen :cheesy:

Re: Chem store

Posted: 05 May 2016, 08:37
by sunray18
I SO agree with the hi Vis thing - you can buy them in 2nd hand shops and I see people wearing them who do not work at all.
NO ONE notices them any more....
and signs - can any of you get staff much less students to read anything?