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Acids on carbonates

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 11:07
by curie
OK so they are doing the acids on carbonates prac where they use sea shells, marble, egg shell and snail shells. Well we seem to either be in a snail drought, or my snails are turbo charged. I planted out a bunch of lettuces, laid a half a box of snail bait, next morning all my lettuces gone, not a shell or snail trail to be found. Come to think of it I haven't seen snails in ages.
One teacher was OK and just used the other sources, one insisted she couldn't do the prac unless we had snail shells. :crazy:
Anyone else had this problem? how did you get around it?


Re: Acids on carbonates

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 11:21
by J
So the big question is: who ate your lettuces? :-| :redcard:

Re: Acids on carbonates

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 13:06
by curie
No idea!

Re: Acids on carbonates

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 09:55
by DawnR
I reckon we are in a snail drought here. I catch them to feed the blue tongues and shingle back lizards at school (they LOOOVE them!) but I have cleaned up all the snails at school and home, so now they are just getting lizard food from the pet shop. I wish it would rain again!!

Re: Acids on carbonates

Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 11:30
by mtg
Well, how interesting. I have hardly any snails and have to forage in the long grass against the fence poles for my blue tongues at home. My mother lives only 1k away and has a plague of snails. I thought it was my lizards and birds eliminating the snails, as I have no cats to scare them off.
For this prac I have sea shells, chicken, fish, and beef bones, and I gathered some old empty snail shells from the schools gardens. We do this prac for evolution using calcium carbonate as well.

Re: Acids on carbonates

Posted: 17 May 2016, 14:38
by Samantham
How do you remove the egg shell membrane so you just have the egg shell?

Re: Acids on carbonates

Posted: 17 May 2016, 15:20
by bigmack
Not sure if you mean to end up with an empty egg shell Samantham , but I recall as kids making a small hole at each end of the egg and blowing the contents of the egg out the other end . Can't remember if the membrane came out with it or not . From memory we labouriously scratch the hole with a pen knife but I guess a drill bit would be faster .And I think the exit hole was bigger .
Anyway , hope I'm not telling you how to suck eggs :giggle:

Re: Acids on carbonates

Posted: 18 May 2016, 12:36
by sunray18
Have you lots of birds? I lost a whole batch of seedling lettuce to rosellas and cockatoos - they pull them right out of the ground .. and I lost all my kangaroo paws to white cockatoos - I watched them pull them out of the ground, turn them over and feast on the roots..
I have just set up a hydroponics set up in the back yard - and came out this morning to see some rosellas having a serious inspection of my seedlings..

Re: Acids on carbonates

Posted: 18 May 2016, 13:03
by curie
I've since found out possums LOOOOVE lettuce! Still no snails.
Yes, I also get quite a few birds. Maybe I should invest in some netting.