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spirit burners

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 07:14
by shaz.H
Hello everyone,
Just interested to know -after you use your spirit burners in a prac do you store them 'as is' in your chemical cupboard, do you tip leftovers into waste bottles and wash them out? Do tell :popcorn:

Re: spirit burners

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 07:42
by sunray18
I store them as is in the flammable liquids cabinet. The trouble with doing that is if a teacher wants a different set of reagents in them - which does happen occasionally.
Replacing the contents is not an issue, just that the wick needs changing for the new reagent. I have just found out that you can use those sport's show laces, the good cotton ones, as replacement wicks. This makes it easy to change over and have a fresh wick for a new reagent

Re: spirit burners

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 08:09
by lada
I store them as is in flammable cabinet. We have 5 different alcohols, and I have set of 2 burners for each alcohol. No need to change anything, only top up the burners.

Re: spirit burners

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 08:23
by Labbie
We also have 4 different alcohols, all labled, and a few spares so I also have no need to change anything. I have not washed them for some years now. All stored in the Flammable cabinet.

Re: spirit burners

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 08:33
by rae
I empty them out and leave the residue to evaporate. I'm lucky that we only use them for one prac so I leave them ready labelled and refill them every year as needed!

Re: spirit burners

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 08:43
by fibreweb
I store mine in a metal locker in the chem store (they won't all fit into the flammables cupboard so it is the best alternative I could come up with)
I have
8 x Metho
5 x Methanol
7 x Ethanol
7 x Propanol
5 x Butanol
1 x Pentanol
1 x Octanol
6 x Diesel and 3 kero
When they are ordered for junior classes they get 3 or 4 each of Ethanol,Propanol, Butanol and Metho and share around.
For Year 12 they have methanol, Pentanol and octanol added leaving off the metho.
I also supply 10 small tripods that just fit over the spirit burners.
They are refilled as necessary.

Re: spirit burners

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 09:56
by Rita
We have an acid cabinet which stores flammables on top shelves and acids on bottom shelves.

The covers on the spirit burners always show signs of corrosion and always need cleaning.

Have been unable to find a supplier for cover replacements...only seem to sell complete burners.

Tipping out after use is best option.

Re: spirit burners

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 10:49
by Lyn
Hi Rita,
I think you may need to ask for a separate flammables cupboard for your flammable liquids. I have always been under the impression that flammables must be stored separately to acids in separate purpose built cupboards. What is the feedback from you other labbies out there on this issue.
You will also find that anything metal stored in proximity to acids, particularly hydrochloric acid, will inevitably rust. During an upgrade of a prep room and science labs I stored everything from the prep room in a lab on benches over one Christmas break. They didn't tell me that they were acid washing the lab floor before painting it. The acid wash (hydrochloric acid) sat on the lab floor over a weekend and the acidic atmosphere generated rusted anything that was metallic even if it was stored in boxes. It was a bit of a disaster.

Re: spirit burners

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 11:21
by lada
I agree with Lyn. I will not store anything else in acid cabinet. I have flammable cabinet for organics.

Re: spirit burners

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 12:08
by MariaC
I have quite a lot of pre-labelled spirit burners, multiples of some eg ethanol. After use I filter the remainder into appropriately labelled bottles which are stored in the flammable cupboard for next time. What little residue is left in the spirit burners is allowed to evaporate in the fume cupboard, then they are stored away for next time. No washing up between uses :D MariaC