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risk assessments in other dept.

Posted: 07 Aug 2014, 09:42
by superbug
Hi Everyone,

I was just thinking, do other dept. such as TAS-metal work etc have to do any RA for practical lessons?

or is it only specific to science?

Thanks Superbug

Re: risk assessments in other dept.

Posted: 07 Aug 2014, 10:38
by Lyn
Risk assessments are not specific to science. Technical (woodwork, metalwork etc) areas carry chemicals, thinners, paints, stains as well as machinery and handtools. Art areas have tools, paints, adhesives, clay and things like presses, pottery wheels etc. All of these areas would require the need for some sort of risk assessments. RA's have to be done for sporting activities and school excursions done by any faculty within a school. If your school runs mechanics courses there would be a need for RA's. I'm sure that home economic teachers would have to have RA's for their areas also. Risk assessments will also extend to your maintenance dept as well.
Mind you what should be done and what is actually done are two different things. I think most schools are aware that risk assessments are part and parcel of the daily running of a school. It is up to the staff to be aware of their responsibilities for the safe care of their students and RA's are part of these responsibilities.

Re: risk assessments in other dept.

Posted: 07 Aug 2014, 11:08
by superbug
Thanks Lyn,
I thought that was the case. Is there any online RA that schools use for TAS etc?

Thanks Superbug