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glass tubing

Posted: 25 Feb 2013, 08:03
by smeee
Does anyone know where I can purchase glass tubing with a 2cm diameter ?
Thanks in anticipation

Re: glass tubing

Posted: 25 Feb 2013, 08:31
by noona
Try Science Supplies

Re: glass tubing

Posted: 25 Feb 2013, 11:49
by smeee
2cm (20mm) inner diameter isn't the usual type of glass tubing we normally order. :-(
I've spent most of the morning looking at suppliers' websites, emailed a couple but haven't heard back yet. :oops:
When I don't have a phone in my preproom makes it even harder to contact suppliers.
Its hard when I get a prac order this morning for P1 Wednesday ! :redcard:
I have 1cm diameter so looks like the class demo will just have to go with that :beee:

Re: glass tubing

Posted: 25 Feb 2013, 12:11
by lizzieb
What's the prac, Margaret?

Perhaps a nearby labbie may already have it set up, and be wilkling to loan you the needed apparatus.

Re: glass tubing

Posted: 25 Feb 2013, 12:23
Marg, I got some last year from Serrata (22mm).....took a while to get here though!!

Re: glass tubing

Posted: 25 Feb 2013, 13:06
by smeee
Thanks for the info.
I've wasted all morning trying to source it
The class will have to look harder to see the reaction in 1cm glass tubing.
It's for Yr 11 Chemistry - Movement of Gas Molecules

Re: glass tubing

Posted: 25 Feb 2013, 18:43
by smiley
Hey Smeee,

I have previously set up a bee-you-tiful demo for this, using a broken burette and/or a broken 50mm gas tube. I'm at home, so I can't show you a pic, but try to picture this:

We got a very long thin piece of OHP acetate from an antiquated OHP roll, from when those things were still used, to fit inside the length of the tube.
We cut little slits in them at regular intervals, maybe 4-5cm apart, maybe less.
We set little pieces of Universal Indicator paper into the little slits.
We placed cotton wool at either end, and we dripped (I think) ammonia at one end, and acetic acid at the other.
Watch, and then say AAAAHHH. :clap3:
What you should see is the pieces of UI paper going red (acidic) from one end, and blue (alkaline) from the other, and somewhere in the middle they'll be green (neutral).
Shows the journey of the gas along the length of the tube. Once the class has said "aah", teachers tend to put the tube aside, and often by the end of the lesson all the UI paper reads somewhere around neutral. :thumbup:

Re: glass tubing

Posted: 26 Feb 2013, 07:39
by smeee
Hey Smiley....thats pretty much the prac they are doing.
I have already set up the demo.
I also have some broken burettes but the diameter is the same size as the glass tubing I have already cut to length.
Now I find that the teacher is at PD so have to hold it over until her next lesson :unsure:

Re: glass tubing

Posted: 26 Feb 2013, 09:35
by smiley
Gotta love it when you sweat on a prac, only to have it delayed! :mad: