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Term time only labbies - change of hols in QLD

Posted: 29 Mar 2012, 14:00
by nickykinz
The Easter holidays here in QLD are different this year as they are 2 weeks long. They have done this by moving the pupil free days through the year into the holidays so the kids get the time off but not the teachers. Some schools are moving those PD days around to suit themselves e.g. Twilight sessions. Us term time only labbies are a bit confued as to where that leaves us as, either we will be working a shorter term and get paid less or are we expected to come to the PD days/evenings?

Re: Term time only labbies - change of hols in QLD

Posted: 29 Mar 2012, 15:01
by linotas
Whats in your award/contract regarding days? One of my jobs is term time only but it states explicitly in my contract how many weeks I am employed for. Also do you salery aportion? That paperwork should also state the number of weeks you are paid for vs numer of weeks in the year in thier calculations.

Re: Term time only labbies - change of hols in QLD

Posted: 30 Mar 2012, 08:56
by nickyw
Hi Nicky

What we did here at this school was to move all our pupil free days to the first week of the year, so instead of starting on the Thursday we all started on the Monday. If there was any PD you wanted to do you could do it then. I dont know about you but support staff here are not included in "staff PD" (which should be renamed "teacher PD", so we have to come up with our own PD. I didn't do any PD I just used the time to get ready for the year.

I love the fact that qld have finally caught up with the rest of the country and given us 2 weeks holiday and 10 week terms. ABOUT TIME!!

Re: Term time only labbies - change of hols in QLD

Posted: 30 Mar 2012, 09:04
by nickykinz
Here they do often organise a separate PD for school officers that I am expected to go to but it is never very relevant to me. I would much rather do my own thing and get ready for the term ahead.
We just had a letter from our principal giving a bit more info for this year. They basically left it a bit late and aren't going to make any school officers come in for this holiday but they will be more organised for the future and let us know what we are expected to attend in advance. We can come in if we want (I won't be :D ).