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Posted: 20 Sep 2011, 16:40
by judyjolly
Hi NSW Labbies, I know we're all busy getting organised before the holidays, but we only have until the end of this week to comment on the draft document that ASET-NSW has put together. There's a large committee of people trying to improve our working conditions - so if possible try to get there and look at the proposed changes, all you have to say is whether you agree with each of the suggestions and you can say more if you like - its our chance to have a say.
Happy holidays


Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 08:02
by smeee
The document is attached....
It is important to provide feedback via a google doc survey at
to the following questions:
• Is the document set out in a clear and easy to follow format?
• Do the13 Standards, as listed in Table 1 on page 7, adequately capture all aspects of the role?
• Are the four levels of job classification appropriate?
• Are the qualifications for entry into each level of classification clear and easy to apply?
• Do the descriptors contained within each Standard, pages 10 to 31, adequately cover all aspects of the Standard?
• Do the descriptors demonstrate an appropriate developmental sequence across the 4 levels of classification?
• Please add any additional comments you may wish to make.
Could you please send your feedback via the googledoc survey
by Friday 23th September please?
Its a big read and important to make comments.


Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 10:54
by Robb
Hi All,

It is great to see that you have aimed this high for I guesss "Levels within the role are great to see" and I do wish all the very best for the success of ASET.

You have my support for this great organisation.

