Flexi day policy

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Flexi day policy

Post by helie »

Hi Fellow Lab Techs
I'm needing to know the Dept of Edu and the PSA Policy on "our flexi days"
I'v started at a new school in NSW and i'm wanting to take them. I'm aware we have to do the time to take the time. That's no problem, i'v got so much work to catch up on. I'v run into a brick wall with regards to management and i need to justify.
I'm wanting to know first of all what the deal is before i put my letter to the Principal and HT.
Would someone out there in the world of cleaverness be able to help me.
Helie :coffee: :coffee:
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Re: Flexi day policy

Post by Narelle01 »

who gets flexi days??
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Re: Flexi day policy

Post by Whspa »

The office staff here have had flexi's for the past couple of years. This is so the office is manned before and after hours (ie from 8am to 3.30pm). None of the other SAO's were allowed. But when I had to work in the office for a full term last year, I got 2 flex days - and so did the SAO replacing me in science. (Our SAM didn't think it was fair that the office lady 'unfortunate' enough to have to work in science should be penalised). When I returned to science I insisted that I should continue getting 2 flex days a term. We work an extra 15 minutes a day to earn these days off. I had been working at least an extra 30 minutes since I started - but that was my 'choice'. The other SAO's - in TAS, library and Performing Arts - still do NOT get flex days.
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Re: Flexi day policy

Post by bindi »

Hi I get a flexi day,
Im at a Catholic Independent School.
When I started I was give this info by my payrole
Full time Support staff
* 152 Hrs worked over 19days, (152/19= 8hrs/day) 20th day RDO
* eg 8.00am to 4pm with 30mins for lunch is a 71/2hrs
* work an extra 30mins/day for 19 days to achieve RDO
* you must take 30mins for lunch
I dont think its a policy but you need to find out on your letter of employment how many hours per week you work.
Our school has also taken on the new pay agreement and I was conerned I would lose this day but have not. Payroll person should also be able to talk to you in private and confidence. You may also find info via your union rep, I know that IEU use to have a payment structure on its web site many years ago.
It is a must that you keep a record or timesheet so you are never questioned on your hours worked.
They dont pay me enough to do any overtime and if they require me to so, I take time in lieu. I do work hard and Im organised and Im on my own with over 1000 students Y7 -12. I have asked for for a casual but have been told not enough money but offered a parent voluteer 8O , so I dont do anything for free any more.... I can only do what I can do!
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Re: Flexi day policy

Post by dime »

Yeah...what flex days??? :?
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Re: Flexi day policy

Post by Krysia Lee »

Flexi what??????????? No one here gets any.
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Re: Flexi day policy

Post by Narelle01 »

I work 745 to 230pm (my choice and i have to keep defending it, it suits my family at this time)

I often get here at 740 or 735 or like this morning, 730. I still finish at 230.

You are smiled upon if you 'work back' but there is not the same smile if you start early - that is your choice.

So I work my hours as rostered, no time in leiu or anything.

That said, bring on the 2 1/2 weeks hols coming up!!!!!!
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Re: Flexi day policy

Post by Labbie »

WE had to work 20 mins extra each day, then on the 20th working day, we got a flexi day. It worked for about a year. Then our Principal STOPED it. Not too sure why, I had taking part, with getting things organized for my day off. ANd no one in Science when I had a flexi day, it did not pay me to do it.

Principal stoped it because, where having coffee breaks in the 20 mins extra per day.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Flexi day policy

Post by lizzieb »

I am now blessed to be at a school where an 'in leiu' book is kept for SASS. The F/O girls take turns working back until 4.00, and that extra 1/2 hour is added to the book. When I found out, I asked to be included.
Quite often I'll stay back to finish a project, and even more often arrive at 8. During the refurb I clocked up plenty of extra hours!
I have always been the type who stayed back/came early to get the job done to my own satisfaction, even coming in during the holidays for major projects I couldn't get to during term. I no longer do that!

The difference with this system is that it makes me feel appreciated for my efforts...

Where before I could always take time off for appointments, etc. it was always a big thing to go & ask. Now it's all documented, and I no longer hesitate or feel in any way demeaned. Guess it's about respect...

Please let us know how it goes!

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Re: Flexi day policy

Post by linotas »

At one of my schools, all non teaching staff have the option of working 15min extra a day and this allows us to take the week mid term break in term one, and a few school closure days off each year. We have informal flex time in that if you need time off for an appointment etc, then you just make it up somewhere instead of taking leave. I use a book to document anything outside my core hours as a record. I work at catholic schools in Tas
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Re: Flexi day policy

Post by lurra »

As far as I know it is up to the school about flexi time
We have it here and I can save up and take a day.
I lave it but I don't alway's take it
lurra aka noona
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