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Our Aquarium

Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 15:40
by nickyw
Thought I would share with you all what we have achieved here at Town High it has taken about 3 years to get our tank looking this good but I have loved every minute of it. The fish all have names and they all have their own little personalities.

It takes up a lot of my time and not to mention coming in to feed them in the holidays but I would'nt have it any other way :clap3:

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 07:28
by J
Congratulations Nickyw, well done!! :clap3: :clap3:
The best I could do was a couple of goldfish and a few yabbies over the years, and most of the time the little treasures either take them out or put something in the tank that is detrimental to marine life. :redcard:
So now there's no more worrying about who's going to feed them over the holidays, not to mention having to clean out the stinky tanks! :yuck: :yuck:
Life is less smelly when it's yabby free :cheesy: :crazy:

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 07:36
by sunray18
How beautiful!
I have such a struggle keeping mine nice - yes there is always some little 'cherub' who thinks it is funny to add something to the tank, or do something to the fish! meaning they all die and I start all over again. :redcard:
Our yabbie kills everything that moves - so even if I put males in with her to mate, they dont last long enough..she is a lonely old lady! :-(

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 08:16
by Narelle01
congratulations - it is beautiful! A fitting extra to a QLD school.
My bro in law also had a lovely tank set up with the same fish plus some extras, when we went to his house,i could sit there and watch the fish for hours. He also recognised the time it took, and passed it on to someone else wheh his baby came along. :-(
i would have preferred he keep the fish! :oops:

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 08:27
by cheltie
WOW! That looks so good.
There is something really relaxing about a fish tank.
My Dad, who died a couple of months ago, used have a beautiful one so it brought back some nice memories for me.

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 09:22
by Ocean Breeze
Thanks to the person who told me that there was a thread on Aquariums :D

Love those!

Here are a few pics of my cichlids
Cichlid Fish Acei. Oct 2010 035.jpg
Cichlidmeachromis aureus.. Oct 2010 025.jpg
Afra Cobwe male wiith friends Oct 2010 066.jpg
Cichlid Fish pictures mixed .. Oct 2010 060.jpg

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 09:40
by Krysia Lee
That is such a beautiful aquarium, the kids are so lucky to have a marine tank. I have a tank here that we have turtles in, there a also some fish but they are turtle food so the amount of fish goes up and down according to how good the turtles strike rate has been. Turtles are great to have at school because for the shorter holidays they don't need to be fed. Although you can't do that if they are young or small. Ours are big enough now. During the Christmas holidays they come and visit my turtles at home. The kids love them too and when they come out for a walk around the playground or class room they are so cute.

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 09:47
by smiley
Nicky! Ni-i-i-ice. Love it. :clap3:

Our aquaria have gone downhill lately. I used to have a fairly belligerent "diamond-in-the-rough" Murri kid in charge of my tanks while she was here, as they were in her "Home Room". NOBODY, and I mean nobody, messed with the fish while they were "hers". After she left, it just hasn't been the same. :-({|=

Maybe next year....

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 12:02
by matchstick
they are just beautiful to watch....we have yabbies and they are just as fascinating.
The yabbies come to say goodmorning to me every day....I know its sad but I tend to talk and tell them my problems
sad sad sad

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 13:45
by lada
My son and daughter in law (Sassi) have two beautiful salt water tanks. And two very inquisitive cats, but guess who comes off second best? Yes, the cats with their wet hair and paws. It is so funny :cheesy: watching the cats sneek up to the fish and trying to fish them out.

Lada :coffee:

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 13:57
by Vicki L
Before working here at school I worked in a Specialist Medical Centre and we had a big fish tank in the waiting room. We used to get so many comments on how relaxing it was to watch the fish swim about - lot of cancer, heart problems amongst the usual ailments, but somehow the tank was very soothing and relaxing - good for patients. Wonder if we got one in the science labs would it calm the kids???? :-|

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 14:29
by nickyw
Haha it certainly has a claming affect on me, sometimes have to drag myself away to get some work done. :giggle:

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 15 Nov 2010, 07:22
by Narelle01
In the lab beside Noonas prep room there is an axeltol named sherman. When I worked there I used to talk to him all the time!
Now when i go back for meetings, I still have to go back and say hello - he's beautiful.
My mum said when I was a baby I had colic, and she used to put me in the room with the fish tank and it used to soothe me, in the end they put the fish tank in my bedroom!!!!!

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 16 Nov 2010, 12:11
by smiley
yeah, my daughter has an uncle, who was told by his heart doctor to get a fish tank and relax in front of it, and it really seemed to work!

Re: Our Aquarium

Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 08:07
by Kathryn
Looks beautiful! Would love to have a tank here but considering we never seem to be able to keep fish alive at home, I can't see I'd have much chance here at work!