Maternity/LS leave position - Bathurst

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Maternity/LS leave position - Bathurst

Post by ~megz~ »

Hi everyone,

My position is up for grabs for twelve months while I disappear to have a baby \:D/ and then attempt to rear it to toddlerhood :wink2: . Starting in August. If you or anyone you know would like a lovely twelve-month stint at an independent school in sunny, glorious Bathurst... only three teachers to look after and all of them are truly delightful :thumbup: then see 'Positions Vacant' on the 'All Saints' College, Bathurst NSW' website.

It'll be three days a week for starters, but then full-time for terms 1 & 2 while my colleague is on LSL.

Maybe this will be a nice 'tree-change' for someone?!

Megs :)
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Re: Maternity/LS leave position - Bathurst

Post by RosalieM »

Congratulations Megs! Very exciting :D
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Re: Maternity/LS leave position - Bathurst

Post by SGG »

Congratulations Megs. It's a nice place. I had 2 kids at Bathurst and could walk around town easily with a pram because it's so flat.
We still have a place out of town and are possibly going to retire back there in 18mths - unfortunately a little late for your maternity leave! :D
Best of wishes
Sue G
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Re: Maternity/LS leave position - Bathurst

Post by Labbie »

Lovely news Megs, A little chemtalk. Do pleae stay in touch, and let us know how things go.

Well done & Congrat's to you.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Maternity/LS leave position - Bathurst

Post by lizzieb »

Best wishes for your 'new job', Megz - this little one's the start of your life-long career of mothering!

3 of my children were born at Bathurst. We lived at Cowra, Ophir, Woodstock & Lyndhurst in those years, mostly managing properties, and have relatives in Orange. Beautiful part of the state.

Blessings to you all,

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Re: Maternity/LS leave position - Bathurst

Post by ~megz~ »

Thanks for the congrats, everyone :D

This will be 'Number 2' for me (incredibly, 'Number 1' has taken only three and a half years to morph into a running jumping climbing boy who knows everything and can't wait to be a big brother :giggle:) and I am looking forward to having a new little one to cuddle :wub: ! Bub is expected to arrive around the beginning of September (by which time hopefully there will be someone else doing my job!).

I agree, Bathurst is a gorgeous place to live and raise kids, that's most of the reason that we moved back here two years ago. I was born 'n' raised here myself :thumbup: Nothing like the country air!
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