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ID of microscopic and other pond/hay infusion creatures

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 08:40
by Ocean Breeze
Doing microscopy
We have a few 'creatures' that need ID :crazy:

Anyone have a good web site?
Have some info on the singled cell ones, like volvox, paramecium, euglena etc.. BUT

We have some that are large enough to see as moving specks with the naked eyes ( only just),
but under the microscope they look like trillobites with a three pronged tail. Anyone know anything? They appear to be social , like tiny fleas . like tiny insects...cant take a pic unfortunately.


Re: ID of microscopic and other pond/hay infusion creatures

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 09:52
by bindibadgi
Hi R-S,

"The Smallest Page on the Web" is fantastic for macroinvertebrate IDs :clap3: ...

There's also a nice gallery here....

& here's a nice site with movies...

Also, here are a couple of pages I put together to help the kids when they're looking at pond water.
Macro-invertebrate Images.pdf
Prozoan photos 2007.pdf


Re: ID of microscopic and other pond/hay infusion creatures

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 10:31
by Tina
Wow, thanks Kiah
They are great!

Re: ID of microscopic and other pond/hay infusion creatures

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 10:52
by dolphinscales
Kiah thanks for sharing a wonderful set of resources :)
and rainbow sky for the question to get a great answer

Re: ID of microscopic and other pond/hay infusion creatures

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 10:54
by bindibadgi
Hi again,

I didn't read your post properly R-S......the critters you describe sound like copepods or some other kind of arthropod.
This site has some awesome photos....hopefully you'll see your little guys & be able to ID them. :thumbup: ... index.html


Re: ID of microscopic and other pond/hay infusion creatures

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 12:21
by Ocean Breeze

Thanks so much for sending these amazing links.
We have a few little fresh water arthropods.
Youre a gem :clap3: