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global warming/environment

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 14:11
by Ocean Breeze
Just wondered if anyone has seen the movie "Inconvenient Truth". :-o
So I wanted to ask the question:-
As Lab techies/Lab managers/Lab assts etc.. are we in a good position to inspire our school/students to come up with ideas to help our planet? R-S

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 15:00
by juliem
Hi Rainbow-sky
no i haven't seen the doc but i didwatch the Andrew Denton interview with Al Gore and as to the inspiring the school staff and students optomisim comes in short supply
have you a copy of the DET Water Quality HSC Chemistry disc can be supplied from
she is the education officer with Sydney Catchment Authority
i was fortunate to have a personal tour of Warragamba Dam and its facilities as well as time discussing water and its supply to Sydney
Kathy was also outlining a new on-line interactive program looking at Australian conservation and use of water aimed at HS students

Again this is only one area of concern but the X and ME generations are not overly concerned and as for us - i have a water tank for over 20yrs now in suburban Sydney but only recently have more of the people i know
a random quiz of your staff will quickly identify there initiatives and attitude
hope its better than i find
regards juliem

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 12:29
by Ocean Breeze
good on ya Julie.. saving water... 'fraid I dont have a tank.Would like to.
But neither do I water my garden.
We are in process of planting the school grounds with a native no water garden.
I read an interesting statistic on a website.... that for every aluminium can that we save from landfill by recycling, it saves enough power to run a TV for 3 hrs.
So any left over cans (from experiments), get sent to the schools recycling bin.
I also pin such mag & news articles to the walls in classrooms.. hopefully getting some messages across.

As I walk around the school, if there are any empty classrooms I turn off the lights and fans. OOPS! Now they know that it's ME! :whistle:

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 14:47
by juliem
lights and fans and heaters or many appliances that are used seem unable to switch themselves off
as 'not me','nobody' & 'somebody' are the real culprits for global warming, water shortage, resources diminishing and eco vandalism
from the soapbox

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 10:52
by cheltie
Hi everyone,
Glad to hear some of you are doing your best to help our environment. We have had solar panels installed at school and are now looking at getting water tanks for the school. In a big school like ours there is a lot of roof space that can be put to good use.
The inital expense is certainly outweighed by the long term benefits and it is great to see the kids getting involved in the whole process.
We are also very involved in the streamwatch programme which gives the students a chance to keep track of the water quality in the local area. We are lucky we have a creek close by.
Certainly worth thinking about some of these things if you can get the teachers motivated and do a bit of fund raising towards the initial costs.
Good luck!

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 15:32
by Nikki
Hi all

Good to hear so many others trying to look after the evironment. i am so lucky to work with a science co-ord who is very pro-environment and she has just successfully applied for the solars schools grant to solar power our school and another grant from a large company to assist with this and provide teaching materials to educate the students about solar and alternative energies. We are also a water wise school and are developing an environmental centre as part of the grant we are receiving. It's very exciting to be a part of.

We recently purchased the solar lego kits and it is amazing how enthusiastic the kids get working with these and half the time they dont realise how much they are actually learning.


Global Warming

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 11:57
I am wondering whether there is anyone out there who can give me some teaching info on Global Warming?
Thank you
Prsopect High School
Tasmania :lol: [/b]

Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 09:38
by Ocean Breeze
Dorelle, do you mean generally, or specific parts?
If you want to grasp the overall concepts, my suggestion is to just go and watch "An inconvenient truth". (Is it still on at the movies?). This will explain the big pic, in a structured way. Al's presentation is very professional.
Then search the net for specifics.