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Incident Format

Posted: 23 Jun 2009, 12:56
by laurena grieger
Does anyone in Lab Land have a form that they have formatted, that can be used in the event of an incident occuring during an experiment. This form does not have to include injuries, as no injuries occurred, however we would like to record the incident for later review when looking at problems that can occur when doing experiments. We have risk assessment forms that we complete before experiments, and accident forms, but not something that we can use if a small incident occurs.
Please help, I hope you can understand my jumble.
Laurena \:D/

Re: Incident Format

Posted: 23 Jun 2009, 13:57
by vlclabbie
Hi Laurena, we use the same form as we do with accidents but you can tick either 'Accident', 'near miss' or 'incident' boxes & then go on to describe it.

I don't need any new forms!! :-o