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Back to the grind stone

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 07:39
by noona
Hi All
Hope you all had a good holiday and are ready for the new long term.
Noona :mail: :mail:

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 08:47
by kimmy
Had a great break and now fresh for a new term

Hope you all had a good break.

\:D/ :drunk: :coffee: \:D/


Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 08:53
by RosalieM
I had a good break too :) The first 2 weeks were great and I was really looking forward to enjoying the thrid week, but it just seemed to vanish and suddenly it was Sunday night and I had to get ready for work!! I was back in here yesterday.

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 09:28
by pkij
Think of us poor people in QLD we only get one week :-( could have done with two after an 11 week hectic term, oh well as you say back to the grindstone, with one week down and 9 to go

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 09:36
by Rowyrow
Yaaay! :w00t: :clap3: Everyone is back! It's been quite lonely around here with everyone on holidays :oops: . Unlike everyone else this is the beginning of week three for me in the NT, we only got one week off befor everyone else! Looking forward to it all just that bit more now your all back!!! :clap3: :clap3:

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 09:52
by Vicki L
Hi to everyone. Great to be back and into it. We have a pupil free day today, lots of different things happening, so I will be keeping out of mischief, kids back tomorrow which will be great - we have a great lot of kids who are a pleasure to be around.
Hope everyone had a safe and happy break and welcome back.

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 12:03
by smiley
Hey Pilar,

We Catholics in Cairns got 2 weeks bro. What happened to you? Ripped off.

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 12:18
by Sassi
Count down has started... 9weeks until I fly to Sweden :yahoo:

First day back today and walked in to the staff room to say my hello's and already a couple of people are in tears 8O I just turned right around, this is gonna be a good term, i will not let it get to me. Positive thinking is the key :thumbup: And after all you work to live, not the other way around :clap3:

What would i do without you lot??? Welcome back everyone!

Sassi :D

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 12:19
by nickyw
Hey Smiley

We in the state systems in QLD feel ripped off. 11 week term and only 1 week off :yuck:

Nowhere near long enough. I am like Pilar counting down the weeks until a decent break.........9 more weeks to go :clap3:

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 12:27
by pkij

That is very interesting :? , a different diocese I suppose, although there are IPRASS days which teachers get, they had one on first Monday back, we did get this last year but new Principal won't let us (ancillary staff) have them now. Normally they take them all at Easter but they have some "Gathering" of a religious nature in July and the other days are added on then so they get 3 weeks then.

Its amazing we are all Catholic schools but with different conditions.

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 15:16
by macca
I'm with you Sassi :clap3:
The count down has started 9 weeks and I fly to Vanuata for two weeks. \:D/ \:D/

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 29 Apr 2009, 23:08
by smiley
Is that the female form of Vanuatu? Sorry, just an Italian based piece of humour really.

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 30 Apr 2009, 09:57
by macca
sorry about the spelling!!! :coffee:
Actually I hope it's the big hunky male, six pack type. At least give me something to look at. :clap3:

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 30 Apr 2009, 10:00
by dime
lol :cheesy:

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 30 Apr 2009, 18:11
by lizzieb
Hi everyone - wow, it's not hard to tell the holidays are over - so many new posts to read!!

Mind you, I'm back late - went to the big iTEC conference here the last 3 days, so not complaining.

Will mostly be posting in the evenings from home now. Got told the last day of term that I'm being moved to the F/O 2 days/week.
We've lost 2 SASS days, and they're taking 1 from Science and 1 from Food Tech, moving me to the office and the F/T assistant over here to replace me.
:crazy: :crazy:

Monday/Tuesdays down there. My F/T friend will come over for the 2 afternoons, so she can still get all her pracs ready in the mornings.
Seems so inefficient...

Lots of changes here this term. I'm sure there'll be some challenges, but concentrating on finding the positives :whistling2: :banghead2:

Hope you all had terrific hols,

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 01 May 2009, 08:18
by Labbie
Hi Liz, Keep your chin up, if we could help you we would.

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 01 May 2009, 08:56
by RosalieM
Hi Liz,
That's tragic for you! You should ask your science teachers to ring you in the office EVERY TIME you are there in the first couple of weeks to ask you to get something, or for what other random reasons they can come up with to prove that you are needed there full time! Seems crazy that they are giving the Food Tech person your job though... I guess it saves training 2 people for the office, cos as we all know, "science is just washing up - how hard can it be?"... (note the intense sarcasm!). Surely it would be easier to train 2 people for the same thing than one in office, one in science... It's hard to find the logic behind some decisions!

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 01 May 2009, 09:19
by lizzieb
Hi guys,
Thanks for the vote of confidence!
It seems such an inefficient model that's been chosen. The F/T girl is actually much more experienced in the F/O than me!
The timing is frustrating too - I'm almost at the point where I've got this Faculty sorted out and functioning well. Now it's going back to only 3 days to get pracs organised for the whole week. :crazy:
Not to mention getting up to speed with thwe F/O situation too, after so many years away from there.

Oh well..... Small things to be grateful for - I have a job; I'm not changing schools, so I know all the staff I'll be dealing with down there; I get on well with the person I'll be job-sharing with; the Science staff are accepting of the new expectations of them....

We'll get there.

Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 01 May 2009, 09:29
by Sassi
All the best Liz, we are all thinking about you! Seriously though, sometimes you wonder who comes up with stupid ideas like that :w00t: Schools never stop to amaze me :crazy:

Lots of hugs


Re: Back to the grind stone

Posted: 01 May 2009, 09:48
by Robb
Hi All,

I am back from Uni now and I have added to the Astronomy post for this week night sky viewing. Had a great time, very busy though but I have returned with 9 assessment tasks due on the 25th may and 3 assignments due on 5 June. Apart from that its all smooth sailing.

