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What do you do with all your stuff during upgrades?

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 13:21
by rp
I dont know when this is happening for us but can I have a few tips from the peolpe that have gone through the upgrades.
eg. The new sliding cupboards in the prep rooms are they wide enough to hold the old wooden drawers? (save emptying etc)
Thanks Rhonda.

Re: What do you do with all your stuff during upgrades?

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 13:28
by noona
Hi Rhonda
I have just had all my 6 labs & 1 prep room upgraded and we got a large Container and put the cupboards in it and packed everything in
I call it the green dungen it is just out the back

Re: What do you do with all your stuff during upgrades?

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 13:32
by rp
How big was the container and also Rosalie,I was going to ask you what you put your stuff in under each lab bench?

Re: What do you do with all your stuff during upgrades?

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 18:52
by trish armstrong
hi, I also have a question on this topic.
how soon did you start clearing up, sorting *through all the stuff*, When I was visited I was told they would give me 4 weeks notice, But I feel we will need alot more time. Rumour is my labs will be done during term4, 2009. Should we start now?
I want to be realistic,be organised, so i can discuss this with my head teacher and not be stressed or make him stressed.
your time schedule would be appreciated.

cheers Trish

Re: What do you do with all your stuff during upgrades?

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 06:39
by noona
Hi Rhonda & Trish
Rhonda the Container will fit 3 large sliding cupboard and 3 draws and 1 slide cupboard and you can put them on top of each other we managed to put a prep room and 3 labs full of stuff in it .
Trish we were given 1 week to clean everything out but we did klnow before had that it was about to happen so I think if they are starting next year start the term before and get rid of the stuff that you don't want as it is less stressful.
We also got a man in to help the GA Move all the big stuff.
Good luck
See you at the conference