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Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 17 Mar 2009, 14:06
by Lyn
Thanks for the slideshow. It was pretty gross. I always wondered what some of those pretty colours were. Seems we've grown some fairly nasty stuff over the years. Now the biology teacher wants to grow the bacteria first before showing them the slideshow. YUK!!

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 18 Mar 2009, 09:13
by nickyw
Hi Lisa

Could I please have a copy of the slide show too.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 09:43
by pkij
Hi Lisa,

If its not too late could I please have a copy of your slide show email is:

Also I am wondering if anyone knows what the protocol regarding growing bacteria is in Qld Schools, I have looked on Ed QLD site but can't find anything. Has anyone done gram staining, I have a teacher wanting to do this for Year 10's and I am a bit nervous about it! 8-[


Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 24 Apr 2009, 13:39
by Judy R
there is an excellent protocol for Microbiology from Sheryl Hoffmann at Concordia College SA
Her email address is however I think I downloaded it from the net.
I have a method for gram staining if you can give me your fax number.
we gram stain every is easy

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 24 Apr 2009, 13:43
by pkij
Thanks Judy that would be great - fax is 07 47435013

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 08:46
by Ocker
This might be the wrong place BUT:-
With "gram staining" it is for blood slides, and last I heard we are NOT allowed to use any blood products!
Bye the way welcome back everyone!

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 08:51
by RosalieM
It's a stain for differentiating bacteria, (gram +ve and gram -ve) so it doesn't have to be blood products as far as I know.

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 09:12
by pkij
Thanks Judy R for your gram staining recipe, it looks easy and not dangerous!, we will try this week.

Also thanks to Lisa for your slideshow, it certainly is gross :yuck: but at the same time strangely entertaining and educational :thumbup:


Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 12:52
by Rowyrow
The micro slide show sounds fantastic . is it possible for me to get a copy?

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 01 May 2009, 13:32
by vlclabbie
Hey Lisa,

I thought I'd asked for a copy of your (obviously excellent since everyone's buzzing about it!!) micro slide show but now I look here I can't see it - hmmm has all the MSDS & OH&S finally taken my memory grey matter??? :crazy:

Anyway, if you don't mind I would love a copy too especially as we're doing this next week!!!

Cheers Kel & much kudos =D>

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 01 May 2009, 15:18
by Sassi
vlclabbie wrote:Hey Lisa,

I thought I'd asked for a copy of your (obviously excellent since everyone's buzzing about it!!) micro slide show but now I look here I can't see it - hmmm has all the MSDS & OH&S finally taken my memory grey matter??? :crazy:

Anyway, if you don't mind I would love a copy too especially as we're doing this next week!!!

Cheers Kel & much kudos =D>
I am sure I read your post too :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: Well all I can say is get used to it, weird things happen in science :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: which may be the reason why we are all slightly mad :crazy:

Welcome to chemtalk by the way, this is great for everything you will need, science wise or just to let off some steam!

Sass :giggle:

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 01 May 2009, 19:21
by labman
My apologies Kel,
You did P.M. me, but I tend to read some posts etc. at work, (depending on time) then I send the slideshow from home (usually very late at night!!). I didn't read your P.M before I did the last batch of requests, so you're in tonights list!! Sorry, it's been a huge week, both at home and work, but rest assured, it will be sitting in your inbox Monday morning.

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 01 May 2009, 21:52
by vlclabbie
Thanks a million Lisa! I will look forward to being grossed out then! :w00t: And then, perhaps I won't be looking forward to the pracs!!!!

Kudos to you once again \:D/

Thanks for the welcome Sass. I'm lovin' this site!! :wub:


Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 05 May 2009, 10:12
by vlclabbie
Many many thanks Lisa \:D/

The show is excellent & will be well received this week when the kiddies view their 'germs'! 8O

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 05 May 2009, 14:35
by presto2
Hi Lisa
I was wondering if i could get a copy of the slide show too.
Thank you my email address is
Thanks again.
[-o< Mary

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 05 May 2009, 14:44
by macca
Hi lisa I'm really sorry can I get a copy too.
Thanks so so much.

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 05 May 2009, 15:20
by Sassi
May I make a suggestion Lisa? As there are so many people still asking you for the slide show (it is so great, I love it thanks you so much :yuck: ) to save yourself some time, why don't you upload it as an attachment here, that way you won't have to spend forever emailing everyone? I would do it, but as it is your slide show, I am not sure if i should :-)

Sass :giggle:

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 07 May 2009, 12:42
by labman
Hi Sassi,
Been there, tried that!! I consulted Adam at the time, and it seems the file is too big. However, my computer skills are limited, so feel free to give it a go. If you succeed, it's all good, if not, I'm happy to keep sending!!

Presto2 & Macca, I'll send yours from home tonight.

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 07 May 2009, 14:28
by Vicki L
Lisa, if you don't mind could you please email me a copy of the slide show.
My email address is
Thank you Vicki

Re: Nutrient agar plates

Posted: 19 May 2009, 07:47
by Labbie
This is the thread for your Gelatine.

Do hope it helps you.