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Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 23 Mar 2015, 10:31
by superbug
yes chemwatch gold ffx needs to be used now.
use your previous log in details but use your log in id in the first field then type "administrator" in the middle field followed by your usual password and you should be in.

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 23 Mar 2015, 11:27
by kurra
I have tried to use my old login and password but it won't accept it, so I have put it in the hands of the pricipal. Thanks for the quick reply superbug. At least I am a little closer to being up to date, Kim

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 23 Mar 2015, 11:45
by superbug
Sorry to here that you cant get in Kurra.
I hope the principal can help you in resolving the matter. If you need something urgent maybe you can post it here and someone can post it as an attachment for you.

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 25 Mar 2015, 10:55
by kurra
Hi Superbug, I spoke to Chemwatch and they told me public schools are still to use the Chemgold III. I should have told you I am working in a public school. It seems as though online help is no longer available in this version though. Not sure if they will update us to gold ffx in the future,


Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 25 Mar 2015, 12:27
by superbug
Hey Kurra,
if you need online help just post something on here, as I am sure we would all be happy to help out. Also can you call them instead? Just wondering if that is an option seeing that live chat is not available. I can pass you there number to you if you require it.

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 27 Mar 2015, 11:33
by anju thomas
I thought of changing all the labels on the dropper bottles last year and i started printing out labels and even relabelled quite a few. Then I came to notice there are discrepancies with the same chemical with the same molarity printed at two different times. So I have decided to stop wasting my time until chemwatch make up their mind. Going to wait one more year until I try again.

I am glad to know that I am not alone :-)

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 07:02
by Merilyn1
You are not alone. I've tried contacting Chemwatch and they think all is good. They just don't get it! I was trying to get a head start on labelling, looks like we'll all be doing it at the last minute. Not happy.

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 07:17
by AnnNos
I was told by Work, Health & Safety directorate that I shouldn't be doing anything about GHS and labelling until the new CSIS package comes out.

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 11:24
by Merilyn1
AnnNos wrote:I was told by Work, Health & Safety directorate that I shouldn't be doing anything about GHS and labelling until the new CSIS package comes out.
I have been told to use the CSIS package although I am in a Catholic school. I would be concerned that the labelling changes need to be implemented by 2017 but I don't know when we will have access to new CSIS guidelines. I would think you would be pretty safe in a government school as they are the instructions you have been given. I don't know how we would fair if things aren't changed, as I've also been told to use Chemwatch for labelling.

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 12:16
by Labbie
We have been told DEC to use Chemwatch for labelling, but they MUST BE GHS labels. That came out in 2011 or was it 2012??????

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 01 Apr 2015, 12:56
by lizzieb
Labbie, I'd like to see a copy of that directive, if you can post it, please. :coffee:

I haven't seen anything in writing yet.

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 01 Apr 2015, 13:29
by Labbie
Some one else already did, I'll do a search and find it. Tomorrow.

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 14 Jul 2015, 12:04
by kurra
I'm also finding this program a little frustrating. Does anyone else have the problem of the next label overlapping the first label, covering the last lines of information? I have two labels here in front of me that I printed off, Sodium Phosphate, dibasic and Potassium iodide, and the second label overlaps the first. I am using GHS labels as I thought I probably should start using them now as it will be less labels I will have to update later,

regards Kim.

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 14 Jul 2015, 13:07
by curie
I spent 45 minutes with them yesterday trying to work out how to get the label to print the entire chemical name and not half of it . As other people have said, you used to be able to to manipulate the areas, but not any more. At the end of it I was no closer to a solution. How hard can it be.

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 14 Jul 2015, 14:07
by karend
This program is soooo..time consuming and FRUSTRATING!!!

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 03 Aug 2015, 17:46
by Labbie
While doing D-Gen labels today, I needed to put in a Formula, but their was NO sub line for me to do it. So I got in touch with Chemwatch. Just put it in via user Text, but there is NO sub line, is that important. I ask you some people.

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 04 Aug 2015, 10:36
by karend
They are not listening - this program does not work for schools (& labbies)!!!!

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 04 Aug 2015, 11:16
by rae
Hear Hear!!

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 14 Aug 2015, 11:36
by Labbie
Their is NO sub line for formula's, and chemwatch is putting it on their programs. SO ALL FORMULAS ARE NOT CORRECT. Really its so silly, How on earth can we print the labels with formulas on that are not right.

Re: GHS Labelling and frustrations with Chemwatch

Posted: 28 Aug 2015, 11:36
by Labbie
I must say I do like their NEW SDS GHS style. Very nice.