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Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 09:46
by Loopy
Valium is good... :lol:


Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 13:38
by rosiegbh
Must be the age for overseas trips. My 14 yr old is also overseas for three weeks. He left last Friday with a school duke of ed excursion to USA. Hiking through the grand canyon etc. I know how you feel. Valium does sound good why didn't I think of that before he left. :cry2:

I was ok until he rang and left a message he had lost his wallet with $600 US but then I got a text next day that he had found it. Money still intact. :D

Ah the joys of motherhood.



Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 14:05
by presto2
Hi Everyone
have a great holiday see you next term.
I am just veging out and going for coffee for the holidays.
Mary \:D/


Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 14:39
by Lis
Happy holidays, everyone, Im having a quiet one too Mary, and soooo looking forward to it. Xenon and Rosemary, I hope your kids have a wonderful time and have memories to last a lifetime.
Take care, chat next term
Lisa :coffee: \:D/


Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 10:30
by RosalieM
Hi All!
Well, here we are back again... Did your holidays all live up to your expectations? I had a great break but it didn't go at all according to plan... mainly because I finally (about 18 months after initially submitting my application) was accepted as a retained firefighter with the NSW Fire Brigades during the first week of the break. It all happened very quickly in the end, and I was sent off on a 4 day training course in the second week. I just got back yesterday (Sunday) afternoon. I had been planning to spend those 4 days at the coast, but that trip will have to wait till Christmas now! My long weekend was spent making several trips to the fire station to learn about the bookwork etc that goes with a callout (we had plenty of calls and obviously we can't attend the actual incidents without the training and uniforms). Anyway, that's my exciting news, so now I'll get back to the lab. I've had a very productive morning, clearing off 2 benchtops and a trolley but I still have a lot more to go! Things were pretty busy around here at the end of last term... I can't believe this is now term 4 - where has the year gone???


Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 11:12
by estelle
I finished my holidays off with a 100Klm from Brisbane to the Gold Coast bike ride along with 7500 other riders to raise money for the heart and diabetes foundation. So far $43,000 has been raised.
It took me 4 hours and I am glad that I have been riding 18 Ks to work a couple of times a week and getting used to hills before the event or I would have been walking up them like a lot of others.
I totally admire the guy in the specially built bike that only used his arms for pedal power, and the family of four who had a bike built for the whole family and to the group of riders that used those scooter boards, at least I got to sit down. Except afte four hours on a push bike I was getting rather saddle sore but I feel great.
It is national ride to work day on Wednesday so I hope everybody has the chance to get the pushy out.
Welcome back


Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 11:31
by RosalieM
I think my pushbike was stolen in the holidays... It's not the sort of item you just 'misplace'. I'd like to ride to work on Wednesday though!


Posted: 14 Oct 2008, 12:02
by noona
I am with you my bike went missing so I had to go to the beach the things we do I think we all need a holiday HAHAHAHAHA


Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 08:19
by Xenon
Daughter back in one piece @ 10pm last night, and she didn't leave her stuff strewn all over the English countryside (well, just her diary); mother has stopped fretting. :thumbup:


Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 09:04
by rosiegbh
Glad to hear you all had a good break. How fit are some? Fire fighting and bike riding! Great community effort though.
I spent the last two days of my holiday travelling to the airport and back. My daughter arrived back from the US after 1 year working as and Au Pair(nanny) in Washington and my son survived the Grand Canyon and Disneyland all in one piece. Plus Qantas flight had no computer probs.

Happy their home :D Rosemary