empty bottle disposal

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empty bottle disposal

Post by RosalieL »

I feel like this is an "I should know this already" question, but what do you do with your empty concentrated acid bottles? I have 2x 32% HCl bottles (plastic) that the acid came in and I have decanted it into winchesters. I have rinsed and dried the bottles a few times. Do you just throw them in the bin? Can they be recycled? It feels like such a waste just chucking them out...
Marama T
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Re: empty bottle disposal

Post by Marama T »

They are recyclable. I keep mine for solution bottles.
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Re: empty bottle disposal

Post by mtg »

Agreed Marama T, I reuse them if possible. But if they are clean should be recyclable.
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Anna Z
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Re: empty bottle disposal

Post by Anna Z »

Only re-use once label has been removed
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