Dehumidifier for Chemstore

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Dehumidifier for Chemstore

Post by lab-woman »

Hi everyone,
My Chem store has recently had a building placed behind it and therefore receives no light (the store room is a brick building) With all of the rain too, it has become damp and mouldy. Even the bottles of chemicals are growing mould. I have my Chem store fan on 24/7. Someone suggested a dehumidifier for the storeroom but I am worried whether this would be safe because of all of the flammable liquids that are stored in there.
Can anyone give me some advice about this please.

Thank you.
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Anna Z
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Re: Dehumidifier for Chemstore

Post by Anna Z »

mmm sounds like you need to be talking to a ventilation person. Is there someone who does your school system? sounds like a lot of moisture you need to move. That might be a good place to start. I am no expert, however I did make mods to a chemstore in Africa (different rules there), we just belted some bricks out of the walls and fitted heavy metal grates to increase airflow. Probably not the best plan of attack in a school permits required over there.
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Re: Dehumidifier for Chemstore

Post by Merilyn1 »

Contact the company that services your fume hoods. Ours also services the exhaust fan in the chem store so imagine they would be good people to talk to.
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